The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) will hold its 93rd Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) on September 29 in Bengaluru. While the election of a new board secretary is not expected to take place at the meeting, the AGM will coincide with the inauguration of the state-of-the-art National Cricket Academy (NCA) center on the outskirts of the city.
The appointment of a new secretary became necessary after incumbent Jay Shah was unanimously elected as the ICC Chairman. However, Shah will continue as BCCI secretary until December 1, when he assumes his new role.
Another key agenda item at the AGM is the appointment of a BCCI representative to the ICC meetings, as Shah will no longer be available for that role. Current BCCI president Roger Binny is a potential candidate, but at 69 years old, he may not meet the age requirement of 70 for administrative positions.
The AGM will also see the induction of two general body representatives into the IPL Governing Council and one representative from the Indian Cricketers’ Association (ICA).
Other regular board activities include the ratification of the annual budget for 2024-25, the appointment of an Ombudsman and Ethics Officer, and the formation of a new Umpires Committee.
The AGM will also consider the report of the Internal Committee of BCCI formed under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy and approve rules formed by the Apex Council pertaining to domestic cricket.