A Boy standing On ground with holding a Cricket bat in Left Hand

A Cricket Bat: History, Size, Dimension, Types and everything you need to know

Cricket, a beloved sport enjoyed by millions worldwide, relies heavily on the equipment used, with the cricket bat being the most significant tool in the game. This article explores the fascinating history, size, dimensions, and various types of cricket bats. The history, size, dimensions, and types of cricket bats highlight their significant role in the sport of cricket. From its humble beginnings to modern-day innovations, the cricket bat has evolved to meet the demands of the game and the players. Whether it is the choice between English willow and Kashmir willow, or the customization options available, the cricket bat plays a crucial role in the success of a batsman. It remains an essential symbol of the game, embodying skill, technique, and the spirit of cricket. 

Cricket Bat’s History: 

In the early beginnings of cricket, around 1620, an intriguing incident occurred where a batsman used a bat to strike the fielder in order to prevent him from catching the ball. This particular bat, resembling the shape of modern-day hockey sticks, marked an early stage in the evolution of cricket equipment. During this era, the technique of rolling the arm over while bowling had not yet been adopted, and the bat’s design reflected the prevailing style of play. 

It started taking a rectangular form in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The laws had by then changed and bowlers were allowed to roll their arms over like they do in modern cricket. There were no restrictions on the bat’s size or shape at that point in time. The bat’s width was set at four and a quarter inches by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the copyright holder of the Laws of Cricket in the early 18th century. This came on the back of an Englishman, representing RyegaDuring the late 1700s and early 1800s, the cricket bat started to adopt a more rectangular shape. This transformation coincided with changes in the laws of the game, allowing bowlers to roll their arms over, similar to the bowling action seen in modern cricket. At this stage in history, there were no specific restrictions on the size or shape of the cricket bat. 

In the early 18th century, the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the custodian of the Laws of Cricket, took a significant step by establishing the width of the bat at four and a quarter inches. This decision was prompted by an incident that occurred in 1771 when a player representing Ryegate walked in to bat against Hambledon with a bat as wide as the stumps. This defining moment led to the realization that some regulations were necessary to ensure a fair and balanced game. The establishment of the four-and-a-quarter-inch width became a crucial guideline in the development of cricket bats, providing a standard for manufacturers and players alike. 

SS Ton Cricket Bat

Details about Cricket Bat History: 

As cricket continued to evolve, further regulations were introduced to maintain the integrity of the game. The MCC, with its authority over the Laws of Cricket, played a pivotal role in shaping the dimensions and specifications of the cricket bat, ensuring uniformity and fairness.

The rectangular shape and standardized dimensions of the cricket bat have now become an integral part of the game, contributing to the skill and technique required by batsmen. The history of the bat’s shape and size highlights the ongoing process of refining the rules to maintain a balance between bat and ball, ultimately enhancing the sporting experience for players and spectators alike. He walked in to bat against Hambledon in 1771 with a bat as wide as the stumps. 

During that time, cricket bats were estimated to cost around £5, and they were meticulously crafted from the wood of English Willow trees. The specific part used was the dense heartwood, giving the bats a darker appearance. However, in the late 1800s, a significant transformation took place in the manufacturing process. CC Bussey, a prominent bat manufacturer from England, began utilizing sapwood trees instead. This strategic shift resulted in lighter bats, which were much easier to handle and wield on the field. The adoption of sapwood by Bussey marked a turning point, and it swiftly influenced other manufacturers who also favoured this variety of wood, commonly referred to as ‘white willow’ during that era. Consequently, this shift in materials became a pivotal moment in the ongoing evolution of cricket bat manufacturing. 

As the 20th century dawned, cricket witnessed the rise of legendary players such as Don Bradman, Vijay Merchant, and Wally Hammond. During this era, bats of comparable size and shape were prevalent, yet their weights varied. On average, a cricket bat weighed around two pounds and two ounces. However, one notable exception was Billy Ponsford, renowned for his use of a hefty bat weighing 2.9 pounds, aptly named the “Big Bertha” bat. This unique choice distinguished him on the field. 

However, as the 1960s unfolded, a new trend emerged among players like Clive Lloyd and Graeme Pollock. They pushed the boundaries of bat weight further, opting for bats exceeding three pounds. This bold departure from convention marked a shift towards heavier bats, allowing for more power and stroke play. The evolution of bat weights over the course of the century reflected the changing preferences and strategies of these esteemed cricketers, as they sought to maximize their performance and dominate the game. 

The regulations on bat dimensions and shape, such as the set width, presented challenges for players attempting certain shots, leading many to favour lighter bats. One notable example is the legendary player, Ranjitsinhji, who discovered the leg glance shot using a lighter bat. The manoeuvrability and ease of steering provided by a lighter bat allowed him to execute this stroke effectively, contrasting with the heavier willow bats used by other players. 

The expansion of cricket to other countries played a significant role in the evolution of cricket bats. As the game spread to different regions, bat manufacturers began experimenting with local timber to craft bats. For instance, in countries like Australia and New Zealand, attempts were made to cultivate English Willow, the preferred wood for bats. However, these endeavours met with limited success due to varying soil and climate conditions. 

These explorations and experiments with different types of wood demonstrated the continuous pursuit of improving bat performance. Manufacturers sought to find the ideal balance between weight, durability, and responsiveness to meet the specific requirements and playing styles of different players.

The willingness to experiment and adapt to local resources and conditions has contributed to the diversity of cricket bat materials seen today. Various types of wood, such as English Willow, Kashmir Willow, and others, are used in the manufacturing process, each offering unique characteristics that cater to different player preferences and playing conditions. 

The development of cricket bats, driven by player preferences, advancements in technology, and the pursuit of optimal performance, remains an ongoing process. Manufacturers continue to refine and innovate, striving to strike the perfect balance between power, control, and manoeuvrability while adhering to the regulations set by the governing bodies of the game. Cricket’s rich history and global reach have undoubtedly influenced the evolution of cricket bats, making them an essential part of the sport’s heritage. The continued exploration and experimentation ensure that cricket bats will continue to evolve, providing players with the tools they need to excel on the field. 

SS Ton Cricket Bat

Types of Cricket Bats: 

English Willow Bats 

a) English Willow: 

The majority of professional cricketers prefer bats made from English willow. The wood from this tree provides excellent shock absorption, ensuring better performance and durability. 

b) Grades of English Willow: 

English willow bats are categorized into various grades, ranging from the top-quality Grade 1+ (known as “pro-grade”) to lower grades like Grade 4 or 5. The grading system takes into account factors such as the number of grains on the blade, responsiveness, and appearance. 

Kashmir Willow Bats 

a) Kashmir Willow: 

Kashmir willow bats are a more affordable alternative to English willow bats. The wood used in these bats comes from the Kashmir region of the Indian subcontinent. While they offer less performance compared to English willow, they are suitable for casual or recreational players. 

Hybrid Bats 

a) Hybrid Willow: 

Hybrid bats are a combination of English willow and Kashmir willow. These bats aim to provide a balance between performance and affordability. The face of the bat, typically the hitting area, is made from English willow, while the rest is constructed using Kashmir willow.

SS Ton Cricket Bat

Innovations in Cricket Bat Design 

Over the years, cricket bat manufacturers have introduced various innovations to enhance performance: 

a) Power-Weighted Bats: 

Manufacturers have modified the weight distribution of bats, moving the sweet spot closer to the toe of the bat. This modification increases the bat’s power potential. 

b) Concave Bats: 

Some modern cricket bats have a concave profile, resulting in a larger sweet spot and improved pick-up, making it easier for batsmen to control their shots. 

c) Customized Bats: 

With advancements in technology, players can now have bats tailored to their specific preferences. Manufacturers offer customizable options such as weight, handle shape, grip, and the placement of the sweet spot. 

Size and Dimensions of a Cricket Bat: 

a) Length: 

The Laws of Cricket state that a cricket bat must have a maximum length of 38 inches (96.5 cm) and a minimum length of 38 inches (96.5 cm). The length is measured from the top of the handle to the top of the blade. 

b) Width: 

The width of the cricket bat’s blade cannot exceed 4.25 inches (10.8 cm). The blade’s width typically tapers down towards the handle, allowing for better control and manoeuvrability. 

c) Thickness and Profile: 

The thickness of a cricket bat’s blade is crucial. It should be around 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) at its widest point, gradually decreasing towards the edges. The face of the bat, commonly referred to as the “sweet spot,” is the area on the blade where the batsman aims to strike the ball for maximum power and control.

The top tips and hacks to take care of your badminton shoes

How to take care of your badminton shoes? Check out these tips

Badminton is a fast-paced sport that requires agility, quick movements, and precise footwork. To perform at your best, you need reliable equipment, and one essential piece is your badminton shoes. Properly caring for your badminton shoes can extend their lifespan and ensure optimal performance on the court. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to take care of your badminton shoes, including cleaning, storage, and maintenance tips. 

It has come to our attention that certain individuals use running shoes during badminton matches, which is not ideal due to the lack of adequate support for movement on the court. In this sport, it is recommended to wear non-marking shoes specifically designed for indoor activities like badminton or basketball. These shoes feature a softer outer layer compared to other footwear options. The smooth rubber soles of these shoes prevent scuff marks on the floor while providing optimal grip through the right amount of resistance. 

Proper care and maintenance of your badminton shoes are crucial for optimal performance and durability. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your shoes remain in top condition, providing the support, grip, and comfort you need on the court. Remember to choose the right shoes for your needs, clean them regularly, protect them during storage, and seek professional assistance when necessary. With these practices in place, you can extend the lifespan of your badminton shoes and enhance your overall badminton experience. Take care of your shoes, and they will take care of you on the court. 

best Yonex Racquet

best Yonex Racquet

How to take care of Badminton Shoes

Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your badminton shoes clean is crucial for their longevity and performance. Follow these steps for effective cleaning and maintenance: 

  • Remove Dirt and Debris: 

After each use, gently tap the soles together to remove dirt and debris that accumulated during the game. Use a soft brush or toothbrush to clean hard-to-reach areas. 

  • Hand Washing: 

If the shoes are heavily soiled, you can hand wash them using a mild detergent and lukewarm water. Avoid soaking the shoes for too long and do not use bleach. 

Choose the Right Shoes

Selecting the appropriate badminton shoes is the first step in taking care of them. Consider the following factors when making a purchase:

  • Cushioning and Support: 

Look for shoes with adequate cushioning to absorb impact and reduce the risk of injuries. Proper support for the arch and ankle is essential for stability. 

  • Breathability: 

Opt for shoes with breathable materials to prevent excessive sweating and odour buildup. 

  • Non-Marking Soles: 

Ensure that the shoes have non-marking soles designed specifically for indoor court sports like badminton. These soles are softer and provide optimal grip without leaving scuff marks on the floor. 

  • Drying: 

Allow the shoes to air dry naturally. Avoid direct sunlight or heat sources, as they can damage the shoe’s materials. Stuff the shoes with newspaper or shoe inserts to maintain their shape and absorb moisture. 

  • Odour Control: 

To combat unpleasant odours, sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and leave them overnight. You can also use odour-absorbing insoles or inserts. 

  • Rotation: 

It’s beneficial to have multiple pairs of badminton shoes and rotate them. This allows each pair to dry completely between uses, reducing the chances of bacterial growth and prolonging their lifespan. 

Protection and Storage

Taking precautions to protect your badminton shoes when not in use is essential. Here’s how you can store and protect them properly: 

  • Carry Bag: 

Invest in a dedicated badminton shoe bag or compartment in your sports bag to keep your shoes separate from other belongings. 

  • Ventilation: 

Avoid storing your shoes in a sealed bag or airtight container. Allow them to breathe and air out to prevent mold or mildew growth.

  • Temperature and Humidity: 

Keep your shoes in a cool, dry place to maintain their structural integrity. Extreme temperatures or high humidity levels can damage the materials. 

  • Avoid Excessive Weight: 

Do not place heavy objects on top of your shoes, as they can deform or damage them.

  • Replace Worn-out Parts: 

Keep an eye on the shoe’s soles, laces, and other components. Replace worn-out parts promptly to maintain optimal performance. 

Professional Maintenance

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your badminton shoes may require professional maintenance. Consider the following scenarios: 

  • Sole Replacement: 

If the shoe’s sole becomes worn or loses its grip, consult a professional shoe repair service to replace it. They have the expertise to ensure that the new sole is properly attached, providing the necessary traction and durability. 

  • Repairing Tears or Rips: 

If your shoes develop tears or rips in the upper or other parts, consult a professional for repairs. They can use specialized techniques and materials to restore the shoe’s integrity. 

  • Resoling: 

In some cases, you may opt to resolve your badminton shoes to extend their lifespan. This process involves removing the worn-out sole and replacing it with a new one. Professional cobblers or shoe repair services can handle this task effectively. 

Lightweight badminton shoes Yonex

Lightweight badminton shoes Yonex

Choose the Right Shoes

Selecting the appropriate badminton shoes is the first step in taking care of them. Consider the following factors when making a purchase: 

  • Cushioning and Support:

Look for shoes with adequate cushioning to absorb impact and reduce the risk of injuries. Proper support for the arch and ankle is essential for stability. 

  • Breathability: 

Opt for shoes with breathable materials to prevent excessive sweating and odour buildup. 

  • Non-Marking Soles: 

Ensure that the shoes have non-marking soles designed specifically for indoor court sports like badminton. These soles are softer and provide optimal grip without leaving scuff marks on the floor. 

Here are some other ways you can try to increase the lifespan of your badminton shoes

Clean wipe and Magic eraser

While some may perceive it as an unnecessary expense, investing in the proper cleaning tools is just as crucial as investing in your badminton shoes. Clean wipes and magic erasers have proven to be highly effective in removing stains, spots, and defects from your shoes. These products are readily available on various websites, making them easily accessible. 

Additionally, using a washrag can also be beneficial. However, it is important to note that the rag should not be used with water. Instead, dip it in vinegar before applying it to the stains. This method yields excellent results and can greatly improve the condition of your shoes. By utilizing these cleaning techniques and tools, you can ensure that your badminton shoes remain in top shape and perform at their best. 

Regular cleaning of dirty laces

Properly cleaning your shoelaces is essential to maintain the overall appearance of your shoes. While it can be a tedious task, there is a simple and efficient way to clean your laces without much hassle. 

Follow these steps for effective lace cleaning: 

Boil Water: Start by boiling a pot of water on your stovetop. Allow the water to reach a boiling point with visible bubbles before proceeding to the next step. 

Let it Set: Once the water is boiling, let it simmer for about two minutes. This allows the water to evaporate slightly and reach an optimal temperature for cleaning. 

Submerge the Laces: Carefully place your shoelaces into the hot water, ensuring they are fully submerged. Leave them in the water for approximately 5-6 minutes to allow the heat to work its magic.

Remove and Dry: After the designated time, carefully remove the laces from the water. You will notice a significant difference in their cleanliness. Allow the laces to air dry naturally, ensuring they are completely dry before re-lacing them into your shoes. 

Using a white nail polish

While it may seem unconventional, using nail polish can actually be ave solution for addressing scratches and prominent marks, especially on white shoes. By applying white nail polish to the affected areas, you can effectively conceal these blemishes. Similarly, for shoes of other colours, matching nail polish can be used to achieve a similar result. 

With a simple touch-up, you can effectively clear any smudges or imperfections that may be visible on the shoe’s surface. This method offers a quick and easy fix for minor aesthetic issues, allowing your shoes to maintain their clean and polished appearance. However, it is important to note that this solution may not be suitable for all types of shoe materials, so it is advisable to test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure compatibility and desired results. 

Using a toothbrush 

When it comes to cleaning your shoes, using a toothbrush proves to be highly effective compared to other cleaning materials like pieces of cloth or old socks. While these items may not effectively clean hard-to-reach areas, a toothbrush has bristles that can reach every nook and cranny of your shoes. This ensures a thorough cleaning process, leaving no filthy areas behind. 

To clean your shoes using a toothbrush, follow these steps: 

  • Prepare a soapy solution: Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add a small amount of mild soap or detergent. 
  • Dip the toothbrush: Submerge the toothbrush in soapy water, ensuring that the bristles are fully soaked. 
  • Gently scrub the spots or dirt: Softly brush the affected areas using the toothbrush. Apply gentle pressure and focus on the spots or dirt that need attention. The bristles will effectively remove various types of spots, no matter where they are located. 
  • Rinse and dry: After scrubbing, rinse the shoes with clean water to remove any soap residue. Then, allow them to air dry naturally. It is important to ensure they are completely dry before wearing or storing them.
Players Manchester United should target this transfer season

Players Manchester United should target this transfer season

Erik Ten Hag’s Manchester United have had a remarkable season. The Premier League club finished 3rd on the points table. Also, the Red Devils were able to win silverware this season. The Old Trafford-based club won the FA Cup final against Newcastle United; landing the club their first trophy in over 6 years.

Manchester United are looking in formidable form. All their departments are firing in unions. However, there is one concern. The club is plagued with injuries to vital players at the wrong time. Lisandro Martinez, Raphael Varane, Donny Van de Beek, Marcus Rashford, Bruno Fernandes and many others missed important games this season due to serious injuries. Ensuring these important players are injury-free is a huge challenge for Ten Hag.

To make matters easy for the club, Erik Ten Hag will be looking to bolster his squad with some new faces. There have been rumours that Ten Hag is looking to bring England star Harry Kane to Manchester United. Just imagine what would happen when this happens. The Internet would definitely break. Marcus Rashford and Harry Kane linking up to provide goals for Manchester United. A sight to behold!!!

Under Erik Ten Hag, Manchester United have definitely improved a lot. They have started playing attacking football and are looking a real threat to Premier League champions Manchester City. However, they can’t become champions until they develop a “champion squad”.

In this article, we will have a look at the top players Manchester United will be looking to target this transfer season.

Harry Kane | ST | Tottenham

Harry Kane becomes second all-time Premier League top scorer

Creator: Clive Rose | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2023 Getty Images

Tottenham Hotspur endured another season without a trophy. The last time Tottenham Hotspurs won any prestigious tournament was way back in 2008. Such a long time. However, Harry Kane, the current skipper of the England football team doesn’t want to rely on individual laurels. He has expressed many times that he wants to win trophies.

Numerous teams have expressed interest in him as a result of his achievements, but Manchester United is desperately interested in signing the England captain.

Manchester United are looking for a proper striker. Since Cristiano Ronaldo left the club, they have been left without a striker. Bringing Kane to the club will help fill that void. However, it won’t be easy. Real Madrid and Bayern Munich are also trying to get the superstar to sign for their team.

To bring Kane to United, the club must overcome his rumoured £90 million asking price, which is a barrier.

Market Value: €89.8M

Mason Mount | CM | Chelsea

Mason Mount next club odds: Manchester United odds-on favourites for Chelsea midfielder

Creator: JUSTIN TALLIS | Credit: AFP via Getty Images

Another England star is on Manchester United’s radar. Once considered Chelsea’s star boy, Mason Mount has fallen out of reckoning in the Blues lineup.

With the Frenkie de Jong signing not going as per the plan, Manchester United will look to bring Mason Mount to the club. Mount’s contract with Chelsea expires in the summer of 2024 and the club would want to avoid losing him for free next year.

Although Mount’s form has dropped in the recent campaign, he has been a crucial player for the Blues over the past four seasons.

Bringing Mount to Old Trafford will strengthen United’s midfield. Imagine Bruno Fernandes, Mason Mount and Marcus Rashford; all three in unison in a match!!!!

Market Value: €68.9M

Illan Meslier | GK | Leeds United

Man United eye Leeds United's Illan Meslier as David de Gea successor - Football Today

Creator: Stu Forster | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2023 Getty Images

With David de Gea not being at his absolute best, Manchester United will be looking to bring in a world-class goalkeeper who can be the difference between the two sides during the game. Illan Meslier, who joined Leeds United in the summer of 2020, has been identified as one of the primary targets for Manchester United.

David de Gea is currently in talks to extend his contract with United willing to give £ 250,000 a week, a significant reduction from his current wage of £ 375,000 a week. The Spaniard has to accept a pay cut in order to extend his stay at Old Trafford.

Leeds United have been relegated to The Championship this season after having a disastrous season. And Meslier will be looking to play for a Premier League club. The deal looks solid with both parties getting what they want.

Market Value: €28.6M

Declan Rice | CDM | West Ham United

Declan Rice will leave West Ham this summer | PlanetSport

Credit: Alamy Stock Photo Copyright: Credit: SPP Sport Press Photo. / Alamy Stock Photo

One player that is on the list of Manchester United for long is West Ham United skipper Declan Rice. Primarily a centre-half, Rice has progressed to a midfield role at West Ham United. He has performed brilliantly to earn 7 caps for England and possibly even upstaging Eric Dier to a permanent spot under Gareth Southgate.

Still only 24, Rice has a glorious future ahead of him in the Premier League and is waiting to be swept up by a top side. United could be that club with a reported fee of around £70m.

Bagging the superstar’s sign won’t be easy as big clubs like Chelsea and Arsenal are after the superstar. Will United be able to sign Rice? Only time will tell.

Market Value: €62.5M

Kim Min-Jae | DF | Napoli

Kim Min-jae has accepted transfer to Man Utd, Man Utd ready to trigger €56m release clause - Man Utd News

Creator: Francesco Pecoraro | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2023 Getty Images

Napoli defender Kim Min-Jae is making the headlines for his physical ability and strong man-marking skills. Manchester United will be looking to sign the Napoli defender. It is believed that United’s management has made it clear to the representatives of Napoli defender Kim Min-Jae that they are interested in signing him.

With former skipper Harry Maguire not getting regular game time, it is believed that he is leaving the club for Tottenham Hotspur. Min-Jae signing for Manchester United will be good news as it will help Ten Hag execute his style of gameplay with freedom. However, the Red Devils need to be wary of Chelsea who are also on the lookout for signing a good defensive option.

Market Value: €25M

Final Thoughts

Manchester United is a strong club with good players and a terrific manager in the form of Erik Ten Hag. But they need new faces to win trophies. Do you think Manchester United should bring any other players to the club to once again become “Champions of Europe”? If so, comment down your answers in the comment box.

Footballers available on a free transfer

These are the footballers who are available on a free transfer

There are now just weeks to go until all players with expiring contracts in Europe become free agents. The players will become free agents once their current contracts expire on June 30—the official conclusion of the 2022–23 football season.

This can happen if a football player negotiates an early termination or If both sides decide not to renew the contract. Players look for free agency for a variety of reasons. To demonstrate their abilities and advance their objectives, some people opt for fresh challenges and a change of scenery.

Financial factors like better contracts or higher pay can also come into play. Players may look into free agency for greater career chances as a result of disagreements with club management, a lack of playing time, or lacklustre advancement.

Let’s look at the top 9 free agents in football who are available for grabs this summer.

Eden Hazard | FW | Real Madrid

B.V. Eden Hazard

Real Madrid: The saddest part about Eden Hazard’s current situation Creator: Soccrates Images | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2020 Soccrates Images

Eden Hazard agreed to have his contract terminated a year early, and Real Madrid made the announcement that he will depart the team at the end of the current campaign. When the former Chelsea player joined Real Madrid in 2019, he cost close to €140 million (£123.3m/$149.4m), making him the most expensive acquisition in the club’s history. After a dismal performance with Belgium at the 2022 World Cup, when they were eliminated in the group stage, Hazard recently announced his retirement from international football. Since that time, he has battled with his form and health.

“Real Madrid Football Club and Eden Hazard have reached an agreement whereby the player will leave the club as of 30 June 2023. Eden Hazard has been part of our club for four seasons, during which time he has won 8 titles: 1 European Cup, 1 Club World Cup, 1 European Super Cup, 2 La Liga titles, 1 Copa del Rey and 2 Spanish Super Cups. Real Madrid would like to express our affection to Eden Hazard and we wish him and his family the best of luck for the next stage of his career,” read a statement from the club.

The Belgian International will now need to find a new challenge after having a dreadful experience at the Santiago Bernabeu after joining there from Chelsea in 2019.

The Belgian was mulling retiring after finishing up his contract with Real Madrid next summer, but his exact future move is yet unknown.

N’Golo Kante | MF | Chelsea

N'Golo Kante

N’Golo Kante’s 2020/21 heroics will be rewarded greatly by Chelsea Creator: Quality Sport Images | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2021 Quality Sport Images

In the summer of 2023, N’Golo Kante’s current agreement with Chelsea will come to an end and is a free agent in football who is available for grabs. The French international midfielder first joined Chelsea from Leicester City in 2016, and in 2018, he signed a new five-year deal that will expire at the end of the current campaign.

According to recent reports, the midfielder may be poised to do a U-turn and quit Stamford Bridge, contrary to previous reports that he will sign a new deal to prolong his time there.

Ilkay Gundogan | MF | Manchester City

Ilkay Gundogan

Ilkay Gundogan: Manchester City’s unlikely legend Credit: Alamy Stock Photo Copyright: Credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Ilkay Gundogan, who transferred from Borussia Dortmund to Manchester City in 2016, has had a standout Premier League career thus far. Although his current contract is scheduled to expire in the summer, City is eager to keep him at the Etihad Stadium and has extended an offer to him.

Should the German international leave City in the upcoming weeks, teams like Barcelona and Arsenal are interested in grabbing him.

Karim Benzema | FW | Real Madrid

Karim Benzema

UEFA Champions League 2022/23 Group Stage Draw
ISTANBUL, TURKIYE- AUGUST 25: Karim Benzema of Real Madrid CF poses for a photograph with the UEFA Men’s Player of the Year Award after the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 Group Stage Draw at Halic Congress Centre on August 25, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkiye. (Photo by Lukas Schulze – UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images)

Karim Benzema was prepared to extend his Real Madrid contract by one year, but current rumours in Spain suggest that he may go for Saudi Arabia when it expires in the summer.

A Saudi Pro League team, most likely Al-Ittihad, is said to have offered the striker up to €100 million a season, plus incentives, and the Frenchman may go to Asia as a result.

Sergio Busquets | MF | Barcelona

 Sergio Busquets

Barcelona summon agent of Sergio Busquets to discuss salary reduction Creator: Quality Sport Images | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2021 Quality Sport Images

After 15 years at Barcelona, Sergio Busquets’ contract is set to expire at the conclusion of the 2022–23 season.

Busquets is also a target for Saudi Arabian teams, and MLS may now show interest in him this summer.

Luka Modric | MF | Real Madrid

Luka Modric

Real Madrid fans will be happy with Luka Modric news Creator: Quality Sport Images | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2023 Quality Sport Images

Luka Modric’s Real Madrid contract was set to expire in 2022 but the Croatian midfielder signed a one-year contract extension in June. Reports suggest he is set to do the same thing again this summer, keeping him in the Spanish capital until 2024.

Naby Keita | MF | Liverpool

Footballer Naby Keita

Naby Keita offered to Inter Milan on free transfer Creator: Eric Alonso | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2022 Getty Images

Naby Keita will leave Anfield this summer and has been connected to a free-agency transfer to Crystal Palace. Galatasaray and Inter Milan are both keeping an eye on the midfielder.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic | FW | AC Milan

Footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic

I need to realise I’m not Superman’ – How 40-year-old Zlatan Ibrahimovic is inspiring Milan’s title charge | Sporting News Canada Creator: ISABELLA BONOTTO | Credit: AFP via Getty Images

There were suggestions that Zlatan Ibrahimovic might leave Milan before the start of the 2022–23 season, but those reports were dispelled when the Swedish forward agreed to a new contract that would keep him at Milan until the present season. Zlatan didn’t play as per the massive expectations from him. He was injured for most of the season. 

The veteran player has announced his retirement from football. 

Marcus Thuram | FW | Borussia Monchengladbach

Footballer Marcus Thuram

Why Borussia Mönchengladbach’s Marcus Thuram deserves to be called up by France | Bundesliga Creator: Lars Baron | Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2020 Getty Images

Marcus Thuram, a standout for Borussia Monchengladbach in the Bundesliga, will not extend his contract when it expires in the summer. Along with Serie A powerhouses Juventus and Inter, he is being watched by a number of major teams, including Manchester United, Arsenal, and Chelsea.

Which players from this lot should your favourite football club buy? Let us know in the comments section.

A cup of 2023 UEFE Champions Leauge Final

2023 UEFA Champions League Final Inter Milan vs Manchester City: Match Timings, Venue, Live Telecast and Expected Lineup

It’s the biggest day of the football season. Two giants from the world of football will be clashing with each other. On one hand, we have Manchester City, who will be looking to win their first-ever Champions League final. While on the other hand, we have Inter Milan, who will be looking to do a repeat of their 2009-10 feat.

For Manchester City, this will be their second UEFA Champions League final in three years after falling short in the 2020-21 title clash against Chelsea.

Manchester City, who have already won the English Premier League and FA Cup this season, are looking to complete the treble. If they win Sunday’s UCL final to secure their first European title, the Cityzens will emulate their arch-rivals Manchester United’s feat from 1998-99.

A win in the UCL final will also make Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola only the second manager to win three or more UCL trophies after Carlo Ancelotti (four). The Spanish manager won two UEFA Champions League finals with Barcelona (2008–09 and 2010–11).

Football & Studs

Football & Studs

Meanwhile, Inter Milan, who have won the UEFA Champions League trophy thrice (1963-64, 1965, 2009-10) are chasing their fourth title, having last won the European crown under Jose Mourinho in 2009-10.

The Simone Inzaghi-coached Inter had a much easier route to the final compared to their English opponents. Inter Milan beat Porto in their round of 16 clash before eliminating Benfica and city rivals AC Milan in the quarter-finals and semi-finals, respectively.

Both teams look strong on paper. Who will prevail and emerge as the winners of the 2022-23 UEFA Champions League? Let’s find out.

Everything you need to know about the 2022-23 UEFA Champions League Final between Man City and Inter

When is the 2023 UEFA Champions League happening?

The Champions League final between Manchester City and Inter Milan is scheduled to take place on June 11, 2023. Kickoff for the final will happen at 12:30 AM IST.

Who is playing in the 2023 UEFA Champions League final?

The 2023 UEFA Champions League final is happening between Premier League club Manchester United and Serie A club Inter Milan.

How to watch the 2023 UEFA Champions League final?

Sony Pictures Sports Network (Sony & Ten Channels) has the rights to show UEFA Conference Europa League matches in India. The 2023 UEFA Champions League final will also be available on streaming mobile applications SonyLIV app and JioTV, allowing supporters to watch multiple games simultaneously and catch the replay of matches in their preferred language.

What is the head-to-head record between the two teams?

The two teams have clashed twice in the recent past with both the teams winning one game each.

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What is the expected lineup for the 2023 UEFA Champions League final?

The expected lineup of Manchester City is as follows:

Ederson Moraes (gk), Nathan Aké, Ruben Dias, Manuel Akanji, Rodri, John Stones, Jack Grealish, Ilkay Gundogan, Kevin de Bruyne, Bernardo Silva and Erling Haaland

The expected lineup of Inter Milan is as follows:

Andre Onana (gk), Matteo Darmian, Francesco Acerbi, Alessandro Bastoni, Denzel Dumfries, Nicolo Barella, Marcelo Brozovic, Hakan Calhanoglu, Federico Dimarco, Lautaro Martinez and Edin Dzeko

The FC Barcelona Club Badge

Top 5 reasons why Barcelona was able to win the La Liga title

FC Barcelona clinched La Liga’s title for the 2022–23 season with a convincing 4–2 victory against archrivals Espanyol, but there was never any genuine question about their dominance in the league. Barcelona made it quite evident that they are the finest club in the Spanish top division following their 2-1 victory over Real Madrid in their most recent league match.

Returning to the top was not an easy journey. After seeing Real Madrid win two of the previous three league championships, with Atlético Madrid winning the third after acquiring Luis Suárez, Barcelona made risky choices in the summer transfer window, securing their future revenues to win the championship.

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Here are the top 5 reasons why FC Barcelona was successful in winning their 27th domestic title

Xavi’s Management

Even his own supporters were harshly critical of him this season, but Xavi deserves even more praise for the job he has done steering the Barcelona ship. La Blaugrana had a history of hiring uninspiring managers who didn’t get the club’s concept and tended to undercut the players; Ronald Koeman’s reign had some particularly hysterical low periods.

Even while some Real Madrid supporters falsely claimed that Xavi had not advanced the team beyond Koeman, maybe out of fear, the fact is that the storied Barcelona midfielder really made a significant difference for the team right away. He handled himself with class despite the strain of running such a prominent organisation and had a clear vision and a manner of interacting with the players.

Although that 4-0 Clásico thrashing eventually acted as more of a wake-up call for eventual Champions League champions Real Madrid, the earliest indications of Xavi’s greatness may have been seen there.

The way Xavi has recovered from setbacks is what has caught many eyes. In the Champions League group stages in 2022, he was held accountable for several poor individual performances, like as Gerard Piqué’s humiliating defence against Inter and Ousmane Dembélé’s head-in-the-clouds performance (which some supporters oddly appreciated) against Bayern München. At the La Liga Champions League level, it should never be acceptable for players to make such glaring mental errors, yet Xavi recognised the problems in the team, fixed them, and improved his organisational framework.

In terms of European competitiveness, Barcelona is not exactly where they want to be, but they will get there. Barça has proven they have the talent to reach that level after dominating Real Madrid in most of their head-to-head contests this season and winning the title against what is perhaps the best club in the Champions title.

There shouldn’t be any doubts about La Blaugrana’s potential under Xavi, who has combined Barcelona’s traditional principles with a required fresh approach to the current game.

Rock Solid Defense

Barcelona was propelled by the efforts of its defensive players since, in the end, it is the players who truly have to create the outcomes on the field. In the past, Barça’s defence was a serious flaw, frequently made fun of by mainstream football analysts for getting destroyed by teams like Bayern Munich and Kylian Mbappé.

It would be difficult to find a stronger group in their league this year. Barcelona has only given up 13 goals in 34 games, which is an absurd total. The main reason they were able to defeat meaningful Madrid, who frequently made absurd mistakes and lacked any meaningful organisation under Carlo Ancelotti, was their better defensive play.

Some have attempted to dismiss Barça’s defence as chance, citing the xG measure as one they themselves don’t seem to comprehend. Barcelona may have been relatively unlucky not to have given up more goals, but it is impossible to dismiss the fact that they only let up half as many goals as Atlético Madrid, the second-best league defence.

One of the top centre-backs in the league, Andreas Christensen has proven to be a brilliant free-agent acquisition. The importance of Jules Koundé has met expectations among Barcelona supporters. Uruguayan centre-back Ronald Araujo is absolutely top-notch. Vinicius Junior has the utmost regard for him for a reason. Last but not least, the young left-back Alejandro Baldé is already among the finest in the world at his position.


Real Madrid, a reigning champion, still views themselves as one of the world’s top teams; after all, they are now playing in the Champions League semi-finals and have already won the Copa del Rey.

In what is regarded as “the competition of consistency” in Spain, Carlo Ancelotti’s club, however, was unable to stay up with Barcelona this season.

Madrid defeated Barcelona 4-0 in the second leg of the Copa del Rey semifinal, and although they still rank as the nation’s top team on occasion, Barcelona has established a significant points advantage over Madrid as a result of their more consistent play.

Madrid suffered from Karim Benzema’s injury-plagued season, and it is challenging to play at a high level in every game with ageing greats Luka Modric and Toni Kroos both important players in their best 11.

Barcelona’s elimination from the Champions League and Europa League hurt, but it allowed Xavi’s team to concentrate on winning the top division.

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Extra Midfielder

Barcelona generally uses a 4-3-3 formation, but in January, Xavi made the decision to start using Gavi as a left winger.

The kid would enter the pitch and provide Barca a fourth midfielder, providing them a helpful advantage to aid in maintaining possession.

then defeated Madrid in the Spanish Super Cup using that method, and then went on a seven-game winning streak in La Liga.

Lewandowski’s productivity was reduced in the second half of the season as a result of fewer opportunities being generated for him, but Barca had much more control over the course of the game.

Shift in-game

Barcelona’s two previous coaches, Ronald Koeman and Quique Setien, failed to defeat either of Spain’s other two dominant teams in La Liga, Real Madrid and Atletico.

In his first few months in command last season, Xavi altered that by defeating both, and he did so once more this season.

The Catalans had one loss, two victories over Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid in league play.

AZ Alkmaar v West Ham United - UEFA

2023 UEFA Conference Europa League West Ham vs Fiorentina: Expected lineup, Match Timings, Live Telecast, Team News

After having a spectacular end to the 2022-23 UEFA Europa League, another UEFA trophy will see its grand finale. The 2022-23 UEFA Conference Europa League will see Premier League club West Ham United go head-to-head with Italian club ACF Fiorentina. Neither side has won a European competition since the 1960s, but one of these two teams will make history as the second winner of the tertiary UEFA club tournament.

David Moyes-led West Ham United had a disappointing season. The English club has 11 wins, 7 draws and 20 losses in a total of 38 games. The London-based club has seen Said Benrahma and Jarred Bowen score 6 goals individually. While Michail Antonio, Lucas Paqueta and Declan Rice have scored 5, 4 and 4 goals apiece. While for ACF Fiorentina, Arthur Cabral and Nicolas Gonzalez are the highest goal scorers with 8 and 6 goals respectively.

The Hammers last reached a cup final in 2006, when they lost the FA Cup final to Liverpool, whereas Fiorentina were beaten by Inter Milan in the Coppa Italia showpiece in May.

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The showdown between both the teams looks intense as both the teams will look to carve their club’s name on the illustrious trophy. In this article, we will explore the expected lineup, match timings, venue, live telecast and other team news.

All you need to know about the 2023 UEFA Conference Europa League final between West Ham and Fiorentina

When is the 2023 UEFA Conference Europa League happening?

The Europa Conference League final between West Ham United and ACF Fiorentina is scheduled to take place on June 8, 2023. Kickoff for the final will happen at 12:30 AM IST.

Who is playing in the 2023 UEFA Conference Europa League final?

The 2023 UEFA Conference Europa League final is happening between Premier League club West Ham United and Serie A club ACF Fiorentina.

How to watch the 2023 UEFA Conference Europa League final?

Sony Pictures Sports Network (Sony & Ten Channels) has the rights to show UEFA Conference Europa League matches in India. The UEFA Conference Europa League final will also be available on streaming mobile applications SonyLIV app and JioTV, allowing supporters to watch multiple games simultaneously and catch the replay of matches in their preferred language.

What is the head-t0-head record between the two teams?

Both the teams have clashed against each other thrice, with ACF Fiorentina winning twice and one no-result.

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What is the expected lineup for the 2023 UEFA Conference Europa League final?

The expected lineup of West Ham United is as follows:

Alphonse Areola, Thilo Kehrer, Naif Aguerd, Kurt Zouma, Aaron Cresswell, Declan Rice, Tomas Soucek, Jarrod Bowen, Lucas Paquetá, Said Benrahma and Michail Antonio

The expected lineup of ACF Fiorentina is as follows:

Pietro Terracciano, Dodo, Lucas Martinez Quarta, Nikola Milenkovic, Cristiano Biraghi, Sofyan Amrabat, Rolando Mandragora, Jonathan Ikoné, Giacomo Bonaventura, Nicolás González and Arthur Cabral

Hardik Pandya

Is Hardik Pandya Team India’s next white-ball leader?

Team India’s all-rounder cricketer Hardik Pandya is likely to replace Rohit Sharma as the next white ball skipper in ODI and T20I series. According to ANI, the Board of Control for Cricket in India is currently carrying out this transition strategy. The opportunity has reportedly been discussed with Hardik Pandya, and the BCCI is waiting for his response.

The star all-rounder only plays white-ball cricket and has been consistent since his comeback to international cricket in June 2022. Cricketer Hardik proved his potential as a captain by leading Gujarat Titans to an IPL triumph in their debut season and was also in the lead in the competition to become the Indian cricket team’s T20I captain. Now it appears that Pandya could be granted full control of the white-ball teams to become the new captain of the Indian Cricket Team.

Following the 2021 T20 World Cup, Rohit was given leadership of the T20I team and the home series against New Zealand. In December 2021, he succeeded Virat Kohli as the ODI captain. Rohit was the full-time captain for the Men in Blue, but owing to an injury, he was unable to lead the team in his first ODI series against South Africa. Additionally, he was absent for the Bangladesh Test Series.

Rohit took over the Test captaincy in 2022 after Kohli stepped down but was only able to lead the Men in Blue in 2 Test matches due to his fitness issues. Since February 2022, Sharma has been facing injuries. Due to a calf injury, the Indian cricket captain was unable to participate in the ODI and Test series against the Kiwis during their early 2020 visit to New Zealand. The cricketer injured himself while batting in Mount Maunganui’s fifth and final T20I of the series.

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After the New Zealand trip, there was an unforeseen respite for the Indian cricket team when COVID-19 caused chaos throughout the world. It was necessary to postpone even the Indian Premier League (IPL). Even when cricket returned many months later, not much had changed for Rohit in terms of his injury problems.

After suffering a hamstring injury, Rohit missed a few IPL 2020 games for the Mumbai Indians (MI) team. He was not included in either of the teams chosen for the Australia tour in October 2020 due to worries about his fitness. India was slated to play four tests, three ODIs, and three T20Is in Australia.

In the elimination rounds, he led MI once again, and in the championship game against the Delhi Capitals (DC), he top-scored with 68 runs in 51 balls. Mumbai went on to win the IPL title, but several supporters and detractors questioned if he would be fit to play in the Test matches in Australia.

High expectations were placed on the Indian captain for the South Africa tour of 2021–2022, following his outstanding performance in the Test series in England during the 2021 trip. Rohit was India’s best scorer in England, hitting 368 runs in four games at an average of 52.57, opening the innings in foreign Tests for the first time.

Unfortunately, the Indian batter’s Test tour of South Africa was cut short after he injured his left hamstring during a nett session in Mumbai. He was replaced in the Test team by Priyank Panchal.

Prior to the start of the Test series, Rohit was selected as the team’s captain for the ODI series. He did not, however, make a quick recovery and also missed the three-match one-day series. In his absence, KL Rahul led the squad as India was defeated 0-3 in the match.

After much uncertainty over his health, the Indian skipper was ultimately permitted to play in the final two Tests of the Australian tour. He performed admirably, earning ratings of 26, 52, 44, and 7. Rohit’s inconsistency in maintaining fitness had forced the BCCI to seek a replacement in the leadership.

After helping the Gujarat Titans win the IPL for the first time in 2022, Hardik’s reputation as a captain improved. India’s current captain, Rohit Sharma, has an outstanding track record in international T20 games. Although he has never lost a series while leading India, the team’s failure to claim the Asia Cup and T20 World Cup has cast doubt on his track record.

Let’s look at Hardik Pandya’s track record in the Indian Premier League

Hardik has displayed his extravagant stroke play throughout his IPL career and has amused himself by dismantling bowling attacks. He has defeated the finest bowlers in the past to establish his dominance in the IPL arena, proving that he is capable of defeating even them when on form. Cricketer Hardik has also played the ball flawlessly, giving his team important breakthroughs.

Hardik, though, struggled to settle in the lucrative T20 competition. The right-handed hitter had a few memorable hits in his first IPL season, but he was quite erratic overall, scoring just 112 runs in nine games. He then had a disastrous 2016 season with the bat, scoring only 44 runs in 11 games. Furthermore, in his first two editions, he also struggled to make an impression with the ball.

The Mumbai Indians supported Hardik and showed faith in him despite his setbacks in the 10th Indian Premier League. The Indian all-rounder earned the team’s trust by putting on a performance at the plate. In 17 games, he scored 250 runs at an astounding strike rate of 156.25, including 20 maximums. Additionally, he claimed six wickets for an 8.19 economy. Pandya’s accomplishments helped Mumbai win the trophy that particular year.

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Later, in the 2018 campaign, Hardik’s all-around prowess caused a stir in the premier competition. He played in 13 games and scored 260 runs with a 133.33 strike rate. The flashy bowler had an economy rate of 8.92 while taking 18 wickets in those matches.

Hardik became a force in the 2019 IPL and was a key figure in Mumbai’s fourth title victory. In 16 games, he scored 402 runs at a mind-blowing strike rate of 191.42, including a scorching 91-run knock off just 34 balls against the Kolkata Knight Riders in the 47th round of the league. He completely destroyed every bowling attack that came his way. The talented all-rounder also had a brilliant bowling performance, taking 14 wickets with an economy of 9.17.

Pandya continued his stellar play with the Mumbai franchise in the 13th season of the Indian Premier League (IPL), scoring 281 runs in 14 matches at an incredible strike rate of 178.98. However, he did not bowl because of a back problem. The great all-rounder was once again utilised as a real batter the next season to help him control his workload, but he performed only passably, scoring 127 runs in 12 games with a strike rate of 113.3.

Cricketer Hardik Pandya played a key role in Mumbai’s triumph in the T20 tournament. However, the five-time IPL champions also featured elite athletes like Suryakumar Yadav, Kieron Pollard, Jasprit Bumrah, and Rohit Sharma in their ranks. The team administration chose the foursome instead of keeping Pandya for the 2022 season due to concerns about his fitness.

The Gujarat Titans made Hardik their top draught choice and gave him control of the team before the 2022 mega auction. Gujarat’s ruse sparked a lot of questions because the Indian all-rounder has no prior experience leading a team on a major stage. But what happened next was really something.

Is Hardik Pandya the next MS Dhoni?

Gujarat won the IPL in their first season because of Hardik’s outstanding leadership abilities. With 487 runs in 15 matches at an economy of 131.27, he finished the main event as GT’s leading run-getter thanks to his exceptional batting. Additionally, he filled in as the sixth bowler when necessary and contributed eight wickets at an economy of 7.28, including a remarkable three-wicket haul in the championship match against the Rajasthan Royals.

The Indian Premier League is now Hardik’s happy hunting ground because of his amazing achievements. The legendary all-rounder has left his mark on history several times during the course of his illustrious IPL career with his feats on the cricket field.

Pandya had already been selected as the captain of the Indian team that travelled to Ireland to play two T20Is. The series was won 2-0 by India. The following T20I series between India and the West Indies, which India won 4-1, saw cricketer Pandya appointed vice-captain.

Pandya, who appeared in 27 T20 matches and amassed 607 runs in 25 innings at an average of 33.72, with three half-centuries and the top individual score of 71*, has been in exceptional form last year. Additionally, he has taken 20 wickets in the 20-over format this year. Pandya has scored 100 runs in two innings in three One-Day Internationals this year, with a high score of 71*. Additionally, he has six wickets this year in the 50-over format.

Rohit’s withering form and Hardik Pandya’s meteoric rise in the shortest format of white ball cricket is reason enough for the BCCI to appoint Pandya as the new white ball leader for Team India.

WTC 2023 Squad of Indian Cricket Team in white jersey

WTC Final 2023, IND vs AUS: Expected Lineup, Playing Conditions, Venue, Match Timings

After the enthralling IPL final, all eyes are on the 2nd ICC World Test Championship final happening between India and Australia at The Oval. The one-off Test match will begin on June 7.

Both teams will be raring to go against each other. While Australia topped the WTC points table in the 2021-23 cycle with 66.67 points per cent (PCT) in 19 Tests, India made its cut for the final with 58.8 PCT after beating the Kangaroos 2-1 in the recently concluded Border-Gavaskar Trophy series at home.

Australia has a dangerous bowling attack involving pacers Mitchell Starc, Pat Cummins, Scott Boland and Michael Neser. While the Indian batting looks in great form with Virat Kohli getting back to his original form and young batting sensation Shubman Gill in tremendous form. The middle order of this Indian batting also looks formidable with the resurgence of Ajinkya Rahane and Cheteshwar Pujara.

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India who lost the WTC 2021 final against New Zealand will be looking to set the record straight with winning the 2022-23 World Test Championship Final.

In this article, we will be looking at everything you need to know about the WTC 2023 final, its playing conditions, the expected lineup of both the teams and streaming information.

All you need to know about India vs Australia 2023 ICC World Test Championship final

When will India vs Australia World Test Championship final take place?

The India vs Australia World Test Championship final 2023 will take place between June 7 and 12.

Where will India vs Australia World Test Championship final take place?

The India vs Australia World Test Championship final 2023 takes place at Kennington Oval Stadium in London, England.

What time will the India vs Australia World Test Championship final begin?

The India vs Australia World Test Championship final will begin at 3:30 pm IST (11 am local time).

Where to watch the India vs Australia World Test Championship final live in India?

The India vs Australia World Test Championship final will be telecasted live on Star Sports and streamed live on Disney+Hotstar.

Will there be a reserve day for India vs Australia World Test Championship final?

Yes, the India vs Australia World Test Championship final will have a reserved day on June 12.

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What is the weather & pitch report for the World Test Championship final?

The weather forecast for Southampton states that it is likely to remain sunny with the temperature being around 17 and 20 degree Celsius. Nevertheless, there could also be light showers on Day, 3 and 4 of the WTC Final.

As for the wicket, the reports are that it could be towards the slower side of things as sessions go by. Hampshire curator Simon Lee recently shared that he would ensure that the pitch assists pace and bounces as well.

What is the overall record for India and Australia in England?

Team India has played 68 Tests in England with 9 wins, 37 losses and 22 draws. On the other hand, Australia has played 176 Tests in England with 54 wins, 54 losses and 68 draws.

What is the expected lineup of both teams for the World Test Championship final?

The expected lineup for India is as follows:

Rohit Sharma (C), Shubman Gill, Cheteshwar Pujara, Virat Kohli, Ajinkya Rahane, Ishan Kishan (wk), Ravindra Jadeja, Umesh Yadav, Mohammad Shami, Mohammad Siraj and Jaydev Unadkat.

The expected lineup for Australia is as follows:

David Warner, Usman Khawaja, Steve Smith, Marnus Labuschagne, Travis Head, Cameron Green, Alex Carey (wk), Pat Cummins (C), Nathan Lyon, Mitchell Starc and Scott Boland.

Will India finally cross the finish line? Or will Australia’s pace battery take the team towards victory?

Trophy of UEFA Europa League

Sevilla vs Roma UEFA Europa League Final: Predicted Lineups, Match Timings, Live Telecast & Venue

After several months of enthralling action, the 2022-23 UEFA Europa League has come to its culmination. Jose Mourinho’s AS Roma will be going head-to-head with Jose Luis Mendilibar’s Sevilla. Both high-quality teams will be facing each other at the Puskas Arena stadium on 1st June.

Sevilla and AS Roma both had to grind to reach the UEFA Europa League final. While Sevilla defeated Juventus (3-2) in the semi-final, AS Roma parked the bus against Bayer Leverkusen and won the match 1-0. Sevilla are the Kings of the Europa League, winning the coveted trophy 6 times. While Jose Mourinho’s AS Roma tasted European glory for the first time last year winning the 2021-22 UEFA Europa Conference League. Both Sevilla will try to do a repeat, and Roma will be looking to add another trophy to their cabinet.

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In this article, we will have a closer look at the predicted lineups, match timings, venue, live telecast and other details.

When is the 2022-23 UEFA Europa League final?

The 2022-23 UEFA Europa League season will conclude with Sevilla taking on Roma at Budapest’s Puskás Aréna on 1st June 2023. Kick-off is at 12:30 AM IST.

Who is playing in the UEFA Europa League final?

Six-time UEFA Cup and UEFA Europa League winners Sevilla will be up against 2021/22 UEFA Europa Conference League winners Roma in the final in Budapest. The sides’ only previous meeting in UEFA competition was in the 2019/20 Europa League round of 16 when Sevilla prevailed 2-0 in a one-off game played on neutral territory in Duisburg.

How to watch the Europa League final?

The Sony Pictures Sports Network (Sony & Ten Channels) has the rights to show Europa League matches in India. The UEFA Europa League final will also be available on streaming mobile applications SonyLIV app and JioTV, allowing supporters to watch multiple games simultaneously and catch the replay of matches in their preferred language.

Who is the referee for the Europa League final?

English referee Anthony Taylor, who also took charge of the 2020 UEFA Super Cup at the same stadium in Budapest as well as the 2021 UEFA Nations League final, will officiate the 2023 Europa League final.

What will the winners of the UEFA Europa League final get?

The winner will get the prestigious UEFA Europa League trophy that weighs 15kg, the heaviest piece of UEFA silverware. To make things extra interesting, it also has no handles. Additionally, the 2022-23 winners also gain a place in the 2023-24 UEFA Champions League group stage, if they have not qualified via their domestic competition.

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What is the head-to-head record between Sevilla and AS Roma?

Sevilla has a good record against AS Roma and has won two out of the four matches that have been played between the two teams, as opposed to AS Roma’s one victory.

What is the expected lineup for Sevilla and AS Roma for the UEFA Europa League final?

The expected lineup for Sevilla is as follows:

Yassine Bounou (gk), Alex Telles, Nemanja Gudelj, Loic Badé, Jesus Navas, Ivan Rakitic, Fernando, Bryan Gil, Oliver Torres, Lucas Ocampos and Youssef En-Nesyri
The expected lineup for AS Roma is as follows:
Rui Patricio (gk), Gianluca Mancini, Chris Smalling, Roger Ibanez, Mehmet Zeki Celik, Bryan Cristante, Nemanja Matic, Leonardo Spinazzola, Paulo Dybala, Lorenzo Pellegrini and Tammy Abraham
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