10 drills to enhance your pickleball skills

Every player wants to know how to get better at their game, whether it’s to outdo someone else or just to get better at their own. Pickleball skills can be improved with commitment, practice, and the appropriate drills.

From mastering footwork to perfecting your serve, engaging in targeted exercises can elevate your performance on the court. Below are ten effective drills designed to enhance various aspects of your game, ensuring you’ll be ready to dominate the competition while having fun.

Dink Drill

The dink drill is essential for refining your touch at the net.

Pair up with a partner and stand at the non-volley zone. Focus on gently tapping the ball over the net, aiming for accuracy rather than power.

The goal is to keep the ball just over the net while keeping it within the no-volley zone. This will improve your control and prepare you for tense points. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for some friendly banter.

Shadow Swings

Shadow swings focus on your mechanics without the pressure of actually hitting a ball.

Practice your swing form without a ball. Set yourself up as if you are hitting each shot, forehand, backhand, and volley while exaggerating your movements.

This drill helps instil proper muscle memory. It’s like rehearsing for a play without anyone watching.

Serve and Return Drill

A strong serve can set the tone for your match.

Stand at the baseline, serving to your partner, who will then return the ball. Alternate roles after a certain number of serves.

Focus on your serve’s placement and speed, while practicing the return immediately after. The back-and-forth creates a rhythm and builds anticipation, just like keeping up with your favourite sitcom plot twists!

Forehand to Forehand Rally

This drill works on consistency and control.

Position yourselves at the baseline and rally forehands with your partner. Aim for both accuracy and depth to develop your shot placement.

As you improve, try to increase the pace of the rally. Don’t worry; it’s okay to miss a few shots.

Backhand to Backhand Rally

Similar to the forehand drill, but focuses on your backhand.

Position yourselves the same way and rally your backhands.

Paying special attention to your footwork during this drill will help you develop a stronger and more confident backhand.

Cross-Court Drill

This drill enhances your court coverage and positioning.

Stand diagonally across from your partner on opposite service boxes and hit the ball cross-court to each other.

Shift your feet to quickly move into position. This drill is great for developing the ability to control your body while maintaining focus on shot accuracy. 

Figure 8 Drill

This drill focuses on footwork and agility.

Set up two cones in a figure 8 shape and practice running around them while hitting the ball back and forth with your partner.

This will help with your movement and positioning while engaging your core. Think of it as an elaborate dance move, just without the fancy footwork or dance partners.

Target Practice Drill

Target practice emphasizes your shot accuracy.

Set up cones or targets in specific areas of the court. Aim to hit each target while rallying with your partner.

This drill can be competitive. Set up a point system for hitting targets! Whether you’re aiming for bragging rights or simply having fun, it’s a surefire way to improve precision.

Overhead Smash Drill

Mastering the overhead smash is key to becoming an effective player.

One player tosses the ball high while the other practices smashing it down into the court or for the perfect angle.

Focus on timing and ensuring you make contact at the highest point possible. It’s a high-energy drill that will leave you feeling like you’ve just scored the winning point in a championship match.

Fast Feet Drill

Agility is essential in pickleball to outplay opponents.

Set up a series of small cones or markers and practice quick lateral movements. Shuffle side to side, moving around the cones with agility while hitting balls that your partner tosses.

This drill not only enhances speed but also improves your positioning during play. 


​Incorporating these ten drills into your practice routine can significantly enhance your pickleball skills.​ Choose a few that resonate with you, and remember to have fun while you work on your game. 

Each drill presents an opportunity for improvement and a chance to enjoy the camaraderie of the sport. Whether you’re playing for bragging rights, a friendly competition, or just for the love of the game, these drills can bring you one step closer to pickleball excellence.