Just like how it is important to pick the right tennis racket, it is equally important to pick the appropriate tennis ball. Tennis balls are segregated into Professional, Championship, and practice tennis balls. While professional tennis balls are made of natural wool, practice balls are made of synthetic fibers. Additionally, championship balls are made with a mix of both materials. Although all tennis balls look the same, they are available in different types. These tennis ball types are designed uniquely based on the area of play. Ahead, are the characteristics of each type of tennis ball.
1. Junior tennis balls
Junior tennis balls are recommended for children who have just been introduced to the sport. They are available in three colors which are Red, Orange, and Green. The red balls are the smallest, while the green balls are the largest. The pressure and weight of the balls also increase in the same order. The green balls are mainly used by children over ten years of age.
2. Pressureless balls
These types of tennis balls are not used for competitions, however, they are meant for beginners or casual play. Pressureless balls have a thick wall that makes them durable and retain their bounce for a long time. Additionally, they carry more weight compared to pressurized balls, making them harder to hit.
3. Regular-duty tennis balls
Regular duty balls are designed for soft courts as their felt is less, making them softer. They can also used on some outdoor courts, however, they won’t work for long. These tennis balls are a good buy for beginners as they are durable as well as budget-friendly.
4. Extra-duty tennis balls
These tennis balls are used on hard courts made of concrete surfaces. They have a thick felt that makes them more durable. Extra-duty tennis balls do not play as quickly as regular-duty balls, however, they last for a longer time when used on hard courts. These tennis balls are also seen as ‘XD’ balls.
5. High-Altitude tennis balls
Weather conditions affect tennis balls even if they are played indoors. At high altitudes where the air pressure is sparse, a normal tennis ball moves farther at great speed. Thus, high-altitude tennis balls are created. High-altitude tennis balls are generally used at places that are located 4000 feet from the ground. To find the best tennis ball for you, it is important to look at certain aspects.
Here, are the factors to be considered when buying a tennis ball:
1. Level of play:
For beginners, slower balls like junior tennis balls are recommended as they are easy on the arm. These balls provide better control as they are bigger than adult balls but are light in weight. For advanced players, regular duty or pressureless tennis balls work well. They are durable and have a balanced pressure. Meanwhile, professionals prefer pressurized balls for their weight and speed, however, they have to be changed every few games as they lose their air pressure.
2. Surface of the court:
While regular-duty tennis balls work well on soft clay courts, extra-duty tennis balls are meant for harder courts made of concrete. Hard courts require tennis balls that will be able to withstand the rough surface. Today, tennis balls that can be used on all courts are available in the market. These are called ‘all court’ tennis balls.
3. Bounce and Speed:
This is a major feature to focus on when buying a tennis ball. While balls that have a slower speed may be preferred for casual play or for players who want to get introduced to the sport, advanced players opt for balls that carry high speed and bounce.
4. Pressureless and pressurized balls:
Pressureless balls are created with a thick wall that increases their durability. The main reason pressureless balls are used for recreational play is that they last longer. On the other hand, pressurized balls have air inside, giving more bounce and control while playing. Although they lose their air pressure after a short while, they enhance the player’s performance.
5. Durability:
Tennis balls start wearing out after a while, depending on the materials they are made of. Tennis balls made of natural wool give way much sooner than balls made of synthetic fibers. Thus, for practice or casual play, synthetic fiber balls are used. For international tournaments, naturally made tennis balls are used, hence, professionals have to get a hang of playing with them even if they do not last long.
6. Weather conditions:
Humidity and moisture affect the performance of tennis balls. While some balls are designed to work at high altitudes, some are created to maintain performance even in soggy conditions.
There are plenty of tennis balls that are used by different level players for different purposes. Therefore, to make your search easier, here, are the best tennis ball picks for you.
Best Tennis Balls for Every Tennis Player
1. Wilson Triniti All Court Tennis Balls:
These are pressureless tennis balls that are made with sustainable materials. It has a good-quality felt and provides flexibility. The Wilson Triniti tennis ball is designed with modern technology that enhances the player’s performance. The 3-pack of this Wilson tennis ball price is around ₹500-₹550. Additionally, these tennis balls are available in packs of 12, 36, and 72 as well.
2. Babolat Gold All Court Tennis Balls:
The Babolat Gold is an extra-duty tennis ball that can be used on all courts. It is used by all level players and it is one of the top favourites among tennis players. This tennis ball is approved by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) as well. The Babolat Gold balls are good for players who switch courts often. They are available in different packs, but the pack of 3 is priced at ₹450. It is a cheap tennis ball option that provides quality performance.
3. Wilson Roland Garros Tennis Balls:
They are one of the top-notch tennis balls that are used on big stages. It provides consistency during long and hectic rallies. The Wilson Roland Garros balls are made with special felt and high-quality rubber. They also meet the international standards and are approved by the ITF. Moreover, these tennis balls offer exceptional comfort and performance as well. The cost of these tennis balls is nearly ₹500.
4. Technifibre X-One Tennis Balls:
The Technifibre X-One tennis balls are recommended for players who are looking to up their game. They are one of the best training tennis balls as they have a light feel and are very durable. Moreover, their design can withstand intense play and continuous hits with control. They are available in a pack of 4 which costs around ₹600.
5. Dunlop ATP Championship Tenis Balls:
These balls are mostly used for casual or recreational play. It is a good pick for beginners as well. The Dunlop ATP Championship tennis balls work well on all surfaces. They have high durability and consistency. Furthermore, these balls retain their bounce for a long time, making them a good pick for practice too. The cost of 3 balls is ₹400. However, they are available in packs of 12, 36, and 72 as well.
With so many options available in the market today, you can make your pick based on your preferences. Investing in the right tennis ball plays a major role in enhancing your skills and boosting your game. We hope this has given you a better understanding of tennis balls so you can choose the one that will work best for you.