Sarabjot Singh, the 22-year-old shooting prodigy, has etched his name in Indian sporting history by securing a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics alongside Manu Bhaker. This achievement marks a significant milestone in his career, but for his parents, it’s just another testament to their son’s unwavering determination.
“My mother was the first to call and congratulate me,” Singh recalled. “She’s always been my biggest supporter, and it was an incredible feeling to make her proud.”
Singh’s parents have witnessed their son’s meteoric rise in the shooting world, from his early triumphs at the national level to his recent success on the global stage. “My mother is now used to it,” Singh said with a smile.
Despite his Olympic triumph, Singh remains grounded and focused on his ultimate goal: winning more medals for India. “That’s the focus now,” he declared. “To become better at what I do and bring more glory to my country.”
Singh’s unwavering commitment to his sport is evident in his decision to reject a lucrative job offer from the Haryana Government’s Sports department. “My parents were very supportive,” he said. “They understand that I have a long career ahead of me, and I’m determined to make the most of it.”
Singh’s journey is an inspiration to aspiring athletes everywhere. His dedication, perseverance, and unwavering support from his family have paved the way for his success. As he continues to strive for greatness, Sarabjot Singh is poised to become one of India’s most celebrated shooters.