IOA Standoff over CEO Appointment Delays Olympic Bid Dialogue

IOA Standoff over CEO Appointment Delays Olympic Bid Dialogue

The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has hit a roadblock in its bid to host the 2036 Olympics, as the executive council (EC) has refused to ratify the appointment of CEO Raghuram Iyer. This decision has created a standoff with IOA president PT Usha, who believes the move will hinder India’s dialogue with the IOC’s Future Host Commission (FHC).

Usha emphasized that without a CEO, the IOC will not engage in discussions regarding the 2036 Olympics. She stated that the appointment of Iyer in January had led to two meetings with the FHC, but now the process is at a standstill.

During the crucial EC meeting, 12 members expressed their concerns about Iyer’s nomination and the agenda was put to vote. The minutes of the meeting, signed by all EC members except Usha, indicate that 12 members voted against the ratification of the CEO.

The EC members raised objections to Iyer’s pay package of ₹20 lakh per month and called for a reinitiation of the appointment process with new terms of reference. They expect the process to be completed within two months.

Usha left the meeting after the vote, while the members decided that Joint Secretary Kalyan Chaubey would continue as acting CEO until a new CEO is appointed.

Usha expressed her disappointment with the EC’s decision, stating that the members had initially agreed to negotiate Iyer’s salary but later changed their stance. She also questioned the EC’s authority to include the discussion in the meeting minutes, as she had left the meeting.

The IOC representative in the meeting, Jerome Poivey, stated that the matter was an internal issue for the IOA and that the IOC had no specific views on the matter.

An EC member questioned the interest of the CEO in continuing with the IOA despite the board’s refusal to ratify his appointment. The member emphasized that the appointment of a new CEO should not take more than two months.

India’s bid for the 2030 Youth Olympics and 2036 Summer Olympics is facing delays due to the turmoil within the IOA. The FHC engages in discussions with nations interested in hosting the Olympics before finalizing the bid and candidates. The IOC has stressed the importance of a strong NOC for a successful bidding process.