Manu Bhaker Takes Three-Month Break to Heal Injured Hand, Pursue Hobbies

Manu Bhaker Takes Three-Month Break to Heal Injured Hand, Pursue Hobbies

Manu Bhaker, India’s double Olympic medalist in shooting, is taking a well-deserved three-month break to recover from a bruised shooting hand. However, this break is not a vacation for the 22-year-old. She will continue her daily routines, including yoga and waking up at 6 am, and pursue her hobbies, such as horse riding, skating, Bharatnatyam, and violin practice.

Bhaker’s shooting hand has been injured for the past eight months due to repeated pistol recoils during training. The break is necessary for her hand to heal fully. Despite the injury, Bhaker remains optimistic and plans to make the most of her time off.

“Now, I have some time off and I can probably do that (martial arts) again,” said Bhaker, who was a karate kid in her teens before switching to shooting. “I was not able to get that kind of time to invest myself into that (martial arts). Finally, I can take time off for my hobbies, and I have many, many hobbies.”

Bhaker’s hobbies include horse riding, skating, fitness, Bharatnatyam, and violin. She is particularly excited about horse riding, which she has been learning for some time. However, her coach, Jaspal Rana, has expressed disapproval of this hobby, citing safety concerns.

“Skating and horse riding are something she should not be doing and she’ll be responsible for whatever happens,” said Rana. “Who rides a horse thinking that they will fall?”

Bhaker is determined to pursue her hobbies responsibly and has assured Rana that she will be careful. She is also looking forward to skydiving and scuba diving, which she has been waiting to do for a long time.

Rana emphasized that the break is essential for Bhaker’s recovery. “This (pointing to her injured hand) is the reason we are making her rest for three months. Because this (injury) has been for the last eight months and it has not healed till now,” said Rana.

Bhaker will not compete in the ISSF World Cup Final in October or the national championships and camps that will follow. She will focus on her recovery and return to shooting in three months.