Olympian Dutee Chand Joins Mothers Against Vaping to Combat Youth Vaping

Olympian Dutee Chand Joins Mothers Against Vaping to Combat Youth Vaping

Dutee Chand Joins Mothers Against Vaping to Combat Youth Vaping Epidemic

In a significant move, renowned sprinter and Olympian Dutee Chand has joined forces with Mothers Against Vaping (MAV), a collective of concerned mothers fighting against the promotion of e-cigarettes and other new-age tobacco devices among Indian youth.

Chand, a national champion and record holder in the women’s 100 meters, brings her influence and credibility to MAV’s mission. Her endorsement will amplify the organization’s efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping and protect children from its harmful effects.

MAV has been at the forefront of the fight against vaping, highlighting the health risks associated with these devices, including lung injuries, addiction, and environmental pollution. The group has been advocating for a ban on vaping products in India, similar to the measures implemented in several other countries.

Chand’s support is particularly crucial given the alarming rise in vaping among Indian youth. Multinational tobacco companies are aggressively targeting young consumers through social media campaigns and innovative product designs. This poses a significant risk of addiction, as e-cigarettes often serve as gateway substances to more harmful drugs.

“Children deserve to pursue their dreams free from harmful distractions like vaping,” said Chand. “I am proud to support Mothers Against Vaping in their fight against this menace.”

MAV’s collaboration with Chand underscores the urgent need to address the vaping crisis among youth. The organization is calling for proactive measures to raise awareness, implement concrete steps for protection, and create an environment where these devices are out of reach for children.