How to take care of your badminton racket?

The racquet is the most important tool for a badminton player. Every player, be it a professional-level athlete or just a beginner, needs to take care of their racquet to maintain their form. It is very difficult to find the perfect badminton as per your strengths and weakness. Adding to that, a good quality badminton racquet does not come for cheap. So taking utmost care of the racquet is very important. 

Changing the strings of the racquet and keeping the badminton clean is one of the few steps to maintain it. However, there are a couple of other things as well which you need to learn in order to keep your badminton in top condition. If you learn these steps it will be easier to keep your racquet ready whenever a vital match is coming up. 

1) Maintain the strings 

Your badminton is only as good as its strings. To make your badminton give you 100% performance on the court, it is very crucial to change its strings at regular intervals. An uneven string tension or a broken string can put your entire effort on the drain. The strings are the first things to be checked in the racquets. You need to remember to constantly restring your badminton at regular intervals to ensure full use of the racquet. The string eventually becomes loose after a while. As advised by the experts, one should restring their racquet after every 2 weeks. However, it also depends upon one’s playing style. 

2) Storage of the Racket 

The lifespan of your racquet also depends majorly on how and where you store it. If you store your badminton casually with other equipment in a backpack, then your badminton will not be at your service for a longer period. Do not leave your badminton in humid conditions. Make sure to place your badminton in a cool dry room where it is cushioned properly. Keep your badminton in a bag of its own. Used a thermal-lined bag while travelling. 

3) Replacing the Grommets 

The grommets on a Badminton are the small black blocks of plastic that are placed around the corners of the racquet head. The strings are pierced through the grommets in order to protect the racquet head. The grommets basically act as a cushion between the frame and the string. The grommets should be replaced immediately once broken or it can damage the frame or the strings of the badminton. 

The grommets usually break near the badminton’s head and body. The strings are in danger to come in direct contact with the frame of the racquets if the grommets are broken. You can increase the life of your strings by simply replacing the grommets on time. A stringer will let you know when it is the right time to change the grommets of your racquets. 

4) Regular replacement of grip tape

A grip tape is essential to maintain your grip on badminton. After every game, the grip tape becomes weaker due to all the sweat in your hand. You should make sure to replace the grip tape every 1 to 2 months, which also depends on the level of your game. Remember to keep the badminton in a dry place before putting it back in the bag after every session. 

5) Racket Frame 

The frame is the most harmed part of badminton as it is always in danger of getting damaged. The frame can get damaged if the racquet is smashed on the ground while playing a shot or a smash. You might throw your badminton out of frustration which might also lead to damaging the frame. It is very important to fix the frame as soon as it gets damaged or it can cause you the entire badminton racquet. 

6) Cracks on the frame 

The cracks on the frame are one of the main reasons which shorten the durability of the badminton racquets. You should look for a crack where there are paint chips. If the impact of the damage is so powerful enough to create a crack, the paint will surely come off. The cracks on the frame are easy to notice as they occur as a thin black line on the frame. However, once the racquets are cracked it becomes difficult to string them. 

7) Don’t exceed the specified tension 

Keep an eye on the maximum allowed tension of our badminton when stretching the racquet strings. You need to make sure to remove every old string when they are broken and stretch them with new ones. Remember to not fix it by rejoining the cords as it will disrupt the racquet’s balance. Overstretched strings can cause warping, distortion or even result into the damaging the racquet.

The best exercises to cool down after a badminton game

How to cool down after a Badminton game?

Giving importance to health has become a necessity in today’s age. What can be much better than getting involved in a sport covering all aspects of being healthy, fit, and good at something? That’s why those who play some kind of sport are always fit. Playing badminton requires immense strength and energy. Running around and hitting the shuttle makes the body exhausted. Playing this kind of sport can have a lot of advantages for the body, but there are certain aspects to keep in mind. Cooling down is a process that should be followed religiously after playing badminton, and the reasons are discussed further in the article. 

What is a cooldown? 

  • Those who have just started working out or playing an intense sport like badminton might find this term new. Cooling down is necessary after a session of a game or exercise to let the body feel relaxed. It is a workout that is usually slow compared to other ones. This lasts for only 5-10 minutes. It helps the body to reach back to a normal state as the heartbeat becomes regular. 
  • Cool down usually consists of stretches and mild exercises. It aids people in getting ready for their next match once as they are now in a much better state to tackle it when they are comfortable. 
  • To make your game better in badminton, it is essential to take precautions and follow the required cooldown techniques along with the others rather than just buying expensive equipment and getting disappointed if you see no results. 
  • A workout session should be made correctly to see the effects on the body. Warm-up, exercise, and cooldown should be planned so that the body gets the right treatment. 

The benefits of cooling down after a badminton game

Before doing anything, it is necessary to learn the reasons or benefits that the process involves, so people have logical reasoning behind performing it. People believe that cooling down after an intense exercise is unnecessary, or maybe are simply very lazy to do so because we all know how tough it is to push oneself for a workout and then a cool-down session may appear impossible, but while playing an intense sport like badminton, you must continually activate your muscles to support your body. A good cool down and stretch can help you perform better during the game. These are some of the advantages which are why cooldown is so essential after a game or workout. 

1) Avoides damages 

When engaging in the process of long and engaging matches, muscle tear is something that can happen to people. It is a painful experience that the body has to go through and may give nightmares to many. There is a way to ensure that it does not happen, and that is through doing the cooldown process. Those who end their day by not doing this can notice that they do not gain major benefits as opposed to those who religiously follow the cooldown exercises.

2) Regulates heartbeat 

This is one of the major reasons why cooldown is essential to adapt to the schedule. The body may experience dizziness due to exhaustion or other reasons, and it can be dangerous if there is no one around to handle the person. To ensure that light-headedness does not happen after a game, cooldown can play a good role as it helps the body to get the heartbeat back to a regular rate. 

3) No muscle cramping or stiffness 

The reason for cramping and stiffness in the body is the accumulated lactic acid. Getting this is not a treat, as they can make a person scream in pain. To make sure that you do not experience any of it, cooldown stretches can be your option as they aid the body in releasing the acid faster. This leads the body not to slow down the process as it gets into recovery mode more quickly. 

4) Stress release 

Dopamine and serotonin are the hormones in the body that make a person happy. While doing these cooldowns, it is observed that these are released, which makes the body feel relaxed and gets rid of all the stress. You will surely feel your mood improving after finishing the session with a cooldown. 

5) Good flexibility 

Cooling down can make you believe that you see a positive change in your body as it helps with being more flexible. As mentioned above, any tear and back pain can be avoided by doing it. Having good flexibility can also impact your overall game, which is why these stretches are advised by experts as well. 

6) Helps to meditate better 

In cooling down it is advantageous if you hold the stretch that you are in for a longer time, this will help you to stay focused and aid your muscles lengthening in your body. Meditation also helps you to clear your mind and focus better which cool down provides. This may be a winning deal for players who have back-to-back matches as they can concentrate with a calm mind. 

7) Regulation of blood flow 

There is more blood pumped when the body engages in sports or exercise. Cool down gives veins the ability to regulate normal blood back to the body along with making sure that the blood pressure drops. According to the doctors, there are no negative effects that are found in the process of cooling down; it just has numerous benefits contributing to making players better at the game. 

8) Reduces soreness

Nobody wants a sore body the next morning after playing an intense game as the soreness lasts for 2-3 days and forces you to stay in bed due to the discomfort that the body experiences. Stretching out can get rid of this soreness in no time as it helps in releasing the muscles and gives you instant relief. 

What are some regular cooldown exercises? 

These are some detailed cooldown exercises that people across the age can do. They are explained in a simple manner for better understanding. Carefully read the instructions so that you can experience how your body gets back to normal after engaging in it. 

Seated foot forward 

  1. Sit on a yoga mat with your feet outstretched. 
  2. Put your arms up and go forward with it. 
  3. Hold your feet with your hands. You have to be in this position for a minute or as long as your body is comfortable and not experiencing any pain. 

Downward facing dog 

  1. First, go into a plank position with your body. From here, you have to go up and down with your hips. 
  2. If you want to do this right, then it is crucial to keep the spine straight.
  3. To distribute the weight of your body proportionally, spread your fingers widely. 
  4. Your legs have to be pedalled out and in. Your body must switch between an inverted “V shape” and go back to normal and plank position. 
  5. This should be done for a minute. 

Butterfly stretch 

  1. Sit on the mat with your soles touching each other (if you want to make it more difficult, bend forward and try touching your head to the mat). 
  2. For a regular butterfly, stretch, erect your spine and take deep breaths, while you exhale you can let your body relax. 
  3. This stretch can be done for 2-4 minutes. 

Other common cooldown exercises 

Some of these exercises are self-explanatory, or there are tutorial videos that can be followed to look at how to do them. It is necessary to learn how to do them so that your body does not go through any accidents of tear and dislocation. People can look at some fun-cool-down exercises on the various internet platforms to make this end-session more exciting. 

  1. Toe touching 
  2. Shoulder-stretch 
  3. Lunge stretch
  4. Child pose 
  5. Split toe touch 
  6. Floor touch 
  7. Side stretch 

Easy exercises to follow 

As we all know it gets difficult for someone who is older or in that case even younger for the above-mentioned stretches. For minors and older adults, it can be challenging to do some difficult cooldowns. These few stretches can make the process much easier. 


Breathing or even walking can be the easiest form of cooling down or stretching for such people. 

Corpse position 

  1. Lie down on the mat with your arms alongside your body. Keep your feet facing upwards and not bent. Your palms must be open. 
  2. Feel relaxed by closing your eyes and letting all your body lose on the mat entirely. You do not have to hold any of the body parts tightly. 
  3. This position can be held for 5 minutes or more. 

Arms circles 

  1. Extend your arms to the sides and keep them on shoulder level. 
  2. You have to move your arms forwards 8-10 times in circles. Do the same process backwards. 

Follow these methods to give your body a much-deserving session of resting through this session! The next time you finish an intense game like playing badminton make sure to follow a cool-down routine. To revise the benefits that it has, the body gets back to how it was, it regulates the blood pressure, you feel more relieved and happier and you are more flexible than ever.

How to select a Badminton Racket?

In Badminton, having the proper equipment is necessary. Proper Badminton equipment, whether racket or shoes, is a must. Having a proper racket according to your game style can upgrade your game to another level.

Sometimes you may have to purchase a new racket, so many problems arise, like which racket is best for me. So, we, the God of Sports, are here to help you tell you which racket is good for enhancing your game.

Points to remember when you are going to purchase a badminton racket for you:

1. Balance Point or overall weight of Racket:

  • Head Heavy Racket:

A head-heavy racket means the weight shift towards the head. Head Heavy rackets will give you more power due to the momentum generated from heavier racket heads.

  • Head Light Racket :

A Head Light balance means the weight shifts less towards the head (towards the grip). A headlight racket will give you more manoeuvrability but less power.

For starters, always go for the Even-Balanced racket rather than going for Head-Heavy or Head-Light racket. Once you know your type, you can always replace your racket according to your suitability.

2. Head Shape:

  • Isometric: An isometric racket gives you a larger sweet spot, hence making it easier for you to hit a shot efficiently.
  • Oval: An oval-headed racket has a smaller sweet spot, but if the sweet spot hits, it gives you a slightly more concentrated power.

An isometric racket is easier to play with compared to an oval racket, as it gives you a larger sweet spot. Nowadays, 90% of rackets are made of Isometric shape.

3. String Tension:

String tension refers to how tight the racket string is tied to the racket, and it’s measured in pounds (lbs) normally. The tighter you tie your string, the less bouncy your string becomes, which means less repulsion power will be generated from the string bed. However, your shots will be more accurate and sharper.

4. Shaft Flexibility:

The stiffness of the racket shaft refers to how easily the shaft flexes (flexibility). If you are a Beginner, you want a shaft which is more flexible, while Advance Player will benefit from one that is stiffer.

The stiff shaft provides more resistance and a faster snap back (recoil) when flexed, which won’t be a problem for an advanced player.

5. Racket Weight:

Selecting the weight for your badminton racquet depends upon your playing technique and skill of play. The weight and balance of the racquet change when it is either strung or any extra grip is added.

In conclusion, a player has to choose the racket on the basis of these points. If you are confused about selecting the best racket for you, click on the link here. An expert will connect with you soon to guide you to the best racket for you.

To shop your favourite badminton products at the lowest price, visit our website – God of Sports.

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