A Women Badminton Player flying in air for hit the shuttlecock

Understanding the basics of Badminton

Badminton is a racquet sport that has gained popularity both in competitive and recreational settings. It demands high agility, strength, and endurance as it is a fast-paced game. Badminton can be played individually as singles or in pairs as doubles, and it is enjoyed by people of all ages and proficiency levels. 

Badminton is a type of sport that can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner, badminton is an excellent way to stay active, improve your fitness, and have fun. The game is played on a court with a net dividing it in half, and the aim is to hit a shuttlecock (also known as a birdie) over the net and onto the opposing team’s side, without letting it hit the ground. 

One of the great things about badminton is that it can be played indoors or outdoors, making it a versatile sport that can be enjoyed year-round. It is a non-contact sport, so there is a lower risk of injury than in some other sports, and it can be adapted to suit players of different abilities and fitness levels. This article provides an overview of the fundamentals of badminton, such as the court, rules, and everything you need to know to begin playing. 

Understanding the basics of Badminton

The Court

Badminton is played on a court that has specific dimensions for singles and doubles games. For singles games, the court is 44 feet long and 17 feet wide, while for doubles games, it is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide. The court is divided by a net that is suspended over the center of the court and stands at a height of 5 feet from the ground at its center. The net gradually tapers down to a height of 3 feet at its edges. 

The court is marked with boundary lines that distinguish the inbounds area of the court. The sidelines, which run parallel to the length of the court, are the outermost lines, while the innermost lines are the service lines. These lines help determine whether the shuttlecock is in or out of bounds and whether a service is legal or not. 

high angle photography of sports field

Each player or team occupies one-half of the court, and they are not allowed to step into the opposing team’s half during the game, except during the serve. The goal is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and land it within the boundaries of the opposing team’s court, without the shuttlecock touching the ground. 

Understanding the dimensions and layout of the court is essential in playing badminton, as it helps players to position themselves strategically, hit accurate shots, and earn points. 

Rules of the Game

The objective of badminton is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court in such a way that they cannot return it. The player or team that scores the most points wins the game. Points are scored when the shuttlecock lands in the opponent’s court, or when the opponent makes a fault or error.

white and red plastic umbrella

The shuttlecock is a feathered projectile that is hit back and forth between the players or teams. It is not allowed to touch the ground or any other object before being hit over the net. If the shuttlecock touches the ground or any object before being hit, it is considered a fault and the opposing player or team is awarded a point. 

Players must also follow specific rules for hitting the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock must be hit with the racquet, and players are not allowed to use their hands or feet to touch the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock must be hit over the net and land in the opponent’s court. Players are allowed to hit the shuttlecock only once before it crosses the net, and they must hit it alternately with their opponent. 

Faults and Errors

In badminton, there are several ways in which players can commit faults and errors. A fault is a violation of the rules that results in a point being awarded to the opposing player or team. An error is a mistake made by a player that results in a lost point but does not involve a rule violation. 

green and brown brush with white feather

Examples of faults in badminton include hitting the shuttlecock out of bounds, touching the net with the racquet or any part of the body, touching the shuttlecock with any part of the body, stepping into the opposing team’s half of the court, and obstructing the opposing player’s shot. These violations result in a point being awarded to the opposing player or team. 

Examples of errors in badminton include failing to hit the shuttlecock over the net, hitting the shuttlecock into the net, hitting the shuttlecock out of bounds, and hitting the shuttlecock too high. These mistakes result in a lost point but do not involve a rule violation. 

To avoid faults and errors in badminton, players should have a good understanding of the rules and practice their technique regularly. With practice and attention to detail, players can minimize their mistakes and improve their performance on the court. 


Badminton is a sport where points can be earned in multiple ways. When the shuttlecock lands in the opponent’s court, a point is awarded to the player or team. If the opponent makes a fault or error, a point is also given to the player or team. The game ends when a player or team reaches 21 points, and they must win by a margin of at least two points. However, if the score is tied at 20-20, the game is prolonged until one player or team wins by a two-point margin. 

  1. In badminton, players or teams can also win points by forcing their opponents to hit the shuttlecock out of bounds or into the net. 
  2. If the shuttlecock hits the ceiling or any other obstruction in the court, a fault is called and a point is awarded to the opposing player or team.
  3. The serving rules in badminton are strict. The server must serve the shuttlecock diagonally over the net and into the service court of the opponent without touching the net. 
  4. A player can also lose a point if they are found to violate any rules or if they receive a yellow or red card for misconduct. 
  5. In official tournaments, matches are usually played as best-of-three games. The first player or team to win two games wins the match. 
  6. There are different types of shots in badminton, including the smash, drop shot, and clear. Players use these shots to control the pace and direction of the game and to outmaneuver their opponents. 


Badminton is a fun and challenging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re playing competitively or just for fun, it’s important to understand the basic rules and techniques of the game. By following these guidelines, you can improve your game and enjoy the many benefits that come with playing badminton, including improved physical fitness, coordination, and mental focus.

Feather Shuttlecock or Nylon Shuttlecock: Which one to choose?

Feather Shuttlecock or Nylon Shuttlecock: Which one to choose?

Badminton has become an immensely popular sport worldwide, and its inclusion as an Olympic sport is a testament to its appeal. With numerous badminton courts being constructed globally, it is clear that the sport is here to stay. Agility, speed, and accuracy are essential skills for any badminton player, but the type of shuttlecock used can also significantly impact one’s performance. Feather shuttlecocks and nylon shuttlecocks are the two main types of shuttlecocks used in badminton. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of shuttlecocks and assist you in deciding which one is best suited for your needs. 

Feather Shuttlecock or Nylon Shuttlecock: Which one to choose?

Feather Shuttlecocks 

Feather shuttlecocks are the most common type of shuttlecocks used in professional badminton tournaments. They are highly regarded for their superior flight performance, speed, and accuracy compared to synthetic shuttlecocks. 

The feathers used in making feather shuttlecocks are typically from the left wing of a goose or duck. These feathers are carefully selected based on their quality, size, and shape. The best quality feathers are those that are plucked from the bird’s left wing because they are more symmetrical in shape and have a better balance of stiffness and flexibility. 

The feathers are then separated by size and weight after being treated to remove any extra moisture or fat. The shuttlecock’s distinctive cone shape is made by adhering the feathers to the cork base in a precise arrangement. A thin layer of leather covering the base serves as both a shield for the feathers and a smooth surface for the shuttlecock to glide over. 

Feather shuttlecocks are renowned for their quickness, precision, and capacity to spin naturally when struck. The shuttlecock’s cone form, which changes air pressure as it passes through the air, is what causes this spin. As a natural curve results, the opponent finds predicting the shuttlecock’s course challenging. 

Because of their extreme sensitivity to variations in humidity and temperature, feather shuttlecocks‘ ability to fly may be impacted. They are also more brittle than synthetic shuttlecocks and are susceptible to breaking when they make contact with the ground or the racket. They must therefore be handled and stored carefully to preserve their quality and functionality. 

Pros of Feather Shuttlecocks 

1) Superior flight performance: Feather shuttlecocks give a more natural flying trajectory, higher speed, and greater accuracy as compared to nylon shuttlecocks. Moreover, they naturally spin when hit, which makes it more difficult for the adversary to return the shuttlecock.

2) Better for professional play: Feather shuttlecocks are the preferred shuttlecock of professional badminton players and events. This is because they offer a better playing experience and create a greater challenge, which raises the game’s intensity and level of competition. 

3) Natural feel: Several players enjoy the natural feel of feather shuttlecocks because of this. Compared to synthetic shuttlecocks, they provide a more responsive and enjoyable experience. 

4) Better for outdoor play: Feather shuttlecocks are superior to Nylon shuttlecocks for outdoor play because they are more stable in windy circumstances and offer better control. 

5) More eco-friendly: Feather shuttlecocks are made from natural materials, which makes them more eco-friendly compared to synthetic shuttlecocks, which are made from plastic or nylon. 

Cons of Feather Shuttlecocks 

1) Fragility: Compared to nylon shuttlecocks, feather shuttlecocks are more brittle and are more likely to break when they hit the ground or the racket. As a result, they may end up costing more over time to use because they need to be changed more frequently. 

2) Sensitive to temperature and humidity: Feather shuttlecocks are highly sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, which can affect their flight performance. They require careful storage and handling to maintain their quality and performance. 

3) Higher cost: Feather shuttlecocks are more expensive than nylon shuttlecocks, making them less accessible for casual or recreational players. 

4) Not suitable for outdoor play: Feather shuttlecocks are not suitable for outdoor play, especially in windy conditions. They are more affected by air resistance than nylon shuttlecocks and can be difficult to control outdoors. 

5) Variability in quality: Feather shuttlecocks are made from natural materials, which can result in variability in quality between different shuttlecocks. This can make it challenging to find shuttlecocks that offer consistent flight performance and can lead to inconsistency during play. 

Overall, feather shuttlecocks offer a superior playing experience but require more careful handling and maintenance than nylon shuttlecocks. They are more suitable for indoor play and better suited for professional or competitive players willing to invest in higher-quality shuttlecocks. 

Nylon Shuttlecocks

Nylon shuttlecocks were introduced as an alternative to traditional feather shuttlecocks, which are made with goose or duck feathers. They are more durable and cost-effective than feather shuttlecocks, making them popular for recreational and training purposes. 

Nylon shuttlecocks consist of a plastic base that is often made of two half-shells that are glued together. The base is usually made of high-density foam that provides the necessary weight and stability for flight. The nylon skirt, which simulates the flight characteristics of feathers, is made of synthetic materials such as nylon or polyester. 

Nylon shuttlecocks have a slower speed and shorter flight distance than feather shuttlecocks. This makes them ideal for beginners and those who are still developing their badminton skills. Nylon shuttlecocks are also more resistant to temperature and humidity changes, making them suitable for use in a variety of environments. 

However, nylon shuttlecocks do have some drawbacks. They tend to be less consistent in terms of flight characteristics compared to feather shuttlecocks, and they can also be affected by wind and air resistance. Additionally, nylon shuttlecocks are not as popular in professional and competitive settings, where feather shuttlecocks are still the preferred choice. 

Pros of Nylon Shuttlecocks 

1) Durability: Nylon shuttlecocks are more durable than feather shuttlecocks and can last longer. They are less prone to breakage and can withstand higher impact without getting damaged. 

2) Cost-effective: Nylon shuttlecocks are more affordable compared to feather shuttlecocks, making them a popular choice for recreational players or beginners who do not want to invest in expensive shuttlecocks. 

3) Consistent flight: Nylon shuttlecocks offer consistent flight performance, regardless of changes in temperature or humidity. They are less sensitive to environmental factors, which can affect the flight performance of feather shuttlecocks. 

4) Low maintenance: Nylon shuttlecocks are easy to maintain and do not require any special storage conditions like feather shuttlecocks. They can be used straight out of the tube and do not need to be prepped or conditioned before use. 

5) Suitable for indoor play: Nylon shuttlecocks are better suited for indoor play as they are less affected by air resistance compared to feather shuttlecocks. They are also more suitable for beginners or players who are still developing their skills, as they offer a slower and more predictable flight.

Overall, nylon shuttlecocks offer a more cost-effective and low-maintenance option for recreational or beginner players, and they are better suited for indoor play or for players who prefer a more predictable flight performance. 

Cons of Nylon Shuttlecocks 

1) Durability: While nylon shuttlecocks are more durable than feather shuttlecocks, they still have a limited lifespan. After a certain amount of use, the nylon skirt can become frayed, and the shuttlecock may not fly as true as it did when it was new. This can result in a less enjoyable playing experience and may require more frequent replacements. 

2) Flight Characteristics: Nylon shuttlecocks have different flight characteristics than feather shuttlecocks. They tend to have a flatter trajectory and a slower speed, which can make them easier to control for beginners but may not provide the same challenge for advanced players who prefer the speed and unpredictability of feather shuttlecocks. 

3) Sound: Many players prefer the sound of a feather shuttlecock being hit as it creates a distinct “pop” sound. Nylon shuttlecocks, on the other hand, create a softer and less distinctive sound, which some players may find less satisfying. 

4) Sensation: While nylon shuttlecocks are more consistent in their flight, they lack the tactile sensation of feather shuttlecocks. Feather shuttlecocks have a distinct feel when hit, which can be difficult to replicate with nylon shuttlecocks. Some players may find that the lack of sensation affects their ability to judge the shuttlecock’s flight and make precise shots. 

5) Cost: Nylon shuttlecocks are generally less expensive than feather shuttlecocks, but the cost can still increase over time, especially for players who play frequently. While they may be more durable, they need to be replaced periodically, and the cost can quickly increase. 

Overall, while nylon shuttlecocks offer many benefits, including increased durability and consistency, they may not provide the same playing experience as feather shuttlecocks. Ultimately, the choice between feather and nylon shuttlecocks comes down to personal preference, playing style, and budget. Players should consider their individual needs and preferences when deciding which type of shuttlecock to use.

What do you think? Which shuttlecock is better? Feather one or nylon one? Comment down your replies.

Indian shuttler Priyanshu Rajawat wins maiden BWF World Tour Super 300 title at Orleans Masters

Indian shuttler Priyanshu Rajawat wins maiden BWF World Tour Super 300 title at Orleans Masters

India’s shuttler Priyanshu Rajawat clinched his maiden BWF World Tour Super 300 title after defeating Denmark’s Magnus Johannesen in a thrilling finale to the Orleans Masters 2023. The Indian badminton player won 21-15, 19-21, 21-16 in a grueling 68-minute summit clash to claim the biggest win of his career.

Priyanshu, who was really ecstatic after the win, stated, “I am very happy with my performance this week. It is my first big title, and I’m extremely happy to win this.” Priyanshu, ranked 58th in the world, demonstrated flawless attack in all his matches. Priyanshu Rajawat, who faced Ireland’s Nhat Nguyen in the semi-finals, had little trouble as the Indian shuttler won the game in two straight sets (21-12 and 21-9).

A trainee at Pullela Gopichand Academy in Hyderabad since 2010, Priyanshu Rajawat modeled his game along the lines of his senior peers like Kidambi Srikanth and H.S. Prannoy. As a player, however, he is more influenced by Sameer Verma’s reflex defense. Against Nguyen, his idea to bring the Irish shuttler closer to the net benefited him by several counts, with Priyanshu stretching his body and plundering crucial points from attacking positions.

Priyanshu’s victory brought joy to the entire Indian badminton field. Sports Minister Yashodhara Raje Scindia congratulated Priyanshu. “MP is making its strong presence felt at the international level almost in every game. He has made all of us proud,” said Scindia.

Priyanshu, who has long been touted as a promising talent in the national circuit, was part of India’s Thomas Cup-winning squad last year.

Best shuttlecocks to buy under 1000

Best shuttlecocks to buy under 1000

Badminton is a popular sport enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. The player’s effectiveness on the court, however, can be significantly impacted by the quality of the equipment used. The shuttlecock is one of the most important pieces of gear in badminton. A good shuttlecock will have a constant flight, a precise trajectory, and good durability, all of which will considerably improve the player’s experience. We’ll talk about the top shuttlecocks under INR 1000 in this article. 

This selection of shuttlecocks has been chosen based on their quality, performance, and affordability, making them perfect for both casual players and competitive athletes. With these shuttlecocks, you can upgrade your badminton performance without spending too much. So, find out more about the best shuttlecocks under INR 1000 that can give your game the boost it needs. 

Best shuttlecocks a badminton player can buy under INR 1000 

Yonex Mavis 350 (INR 700-800) 

The Yonex Mavis 350 is a great synthetic shuttlecock for badminton players of all skill levels. Its nylon skirt and cork base provide a durable and stable flight path, making it suitable for indoor and outdoor play. A tube of six typically costs around INR 700-800. 

Key features of Yonex Mavis 350: 

The Mavis 350 is a shuttlecock that uses a precision-designed nylon skirt and a composite cork base. This combination of materials provides a strong balance between durability and flight stability. The Mavis 350 offers a stable flight trajectory, which helps players to hit consistent shots. This is due to the unique wing rib design, which helps the shuttlecock to maintain its shape during play. 

The Mavis 350 is available at three different speeds – slow, medium, and fast. This allows players to choose the speed that best suits their playing style and the playing conditions. The Mavis 350 has a durable nylon skirt, which can withstand repeated impacts without breaking or losing its shape. This makes it a good choice for players who want a shuttlecock that will last for a long time. The Mavis 350 can be used for both indoor and outdoor play, which makes it a versatile choice for players who play in different locations. 

Cosco Aero 727 (INR 800 to 900) 

The Cosco Aero 727 is a feather shuttlecock that offers good flight stability and speed. It has a cork base and a duck feather skirt. It is suitable for intermediate-level players and is ideal for indoor play. A tube of six shuttlecocks costs around INR 800 to 900. 

Cosco Aero 727 Nylon Shuttle

Key features of Cosco Aero 727 

The Cosco Aero 727 shuttlecock is a popular choice among badminton players due to its high-quality construction and performance. The cork base provides good bounce and stability, while the duck feather skirt offers excellent flight characteristics, including speed and accuracy. This shuttlecock is especially well-suited for indoor play, where the consistent flight and stability of the shuttlecock are crucial for a good game. 

The Cosco Aero 727 is a durable shuttlecock that can withstand heavy use, making it an excellent value for the price. A tube of six shuttlecocks typically costs around INR 800 to 900, making it an affordable option for players looking for a high-quality shuttlecock without breaking the bank. Overall, the Cosco Aero 727 is a great choice for intermediate-level players who want a reliable and consistent shuttlecock for their badminton games.

Silver’s SB-818 (INR 600 to 700) 

The Silver’s SB-818 is a feather shuttlecock that is suitable for recreational and intermediate-level players. It has a cork base and a duck feather skirt and offers good flight stability and speed. It is ideal for indoor play. A tube of six shuttlecocks costs around INR 600 to 700. 

Key features of Silver’s SB-818 

The SB-818 from Silver features a cork base that helps to keep the racket in shape, reduce shock and vibration on impact with the racket, and provide comfort for the player while minimizing the risk of injury. 

The shuttlecock from Silver features a high-quality duck feather skirt that is carefully chosen for its strength, durability, and resistance to water and sweat, helping to extend its lifespan. 

Silver’s SB-818 shuttlecock provides a good balance of performance and affordability, making it a popular choice for casual and intermediate players. Generally, a tube of 6 costs about INR 600 to 700, although prices could vary depending on the seller and location. 

Li-Ning A+62 (INR 900 to 1000) 

The Li-Ning A+62 is a feather shuttlecock that offers good flight stability and speed. It has a cork base and a goose feather skirt. It is suitable for intermediate-level players and is ideal for indoor play. A tube of six shuttlecocks costs around INR 900 to 1000. 

Key features of Li-Ning A+62 

The goose feather skirt of the shuttlecock is made of high-quality feathers that are carefully selected for their strength, durability, and flight characteristics. These feathers are treated to ensure they are water-resistant and can withstand sweat, which helps prolong the life of the shuttlecock. 

The Li-Ning A+62 shuttlecock offers exceptional performance and is designed to meet the needs of intermediate-level players. A tube of six shuttlecocks typically costs around INR 900 to 1000, although prices may vary depending on the retailer and location. 

Overall, the Li-Ning A+62 is an excellent choice for players looking for a high-quality shuttlecock that offers excellent flight stability, speed, and durability and is suitable for indoor play.

Best Movies & Shows for all the Badminton Lovers

Best Movies & Shows for all the Badminton Lovers

Exploring the world of competitive badminton can be an enriching experience, and movies and shows that revolve around the sport offer a unique perspective. By highlighting the triumphs and tribulations of badminton players, these productions provide a comprehensive view of the game and its enthusiasts. Such works are an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of badminton and to gain a newfound appreciation for the dedication and skill that the sport demands. 

Badminton movies and shows can also inspire by showcasing the dedication, perseverance, and passion required to excel in this demanding sport. From the latest release of “Love All Play” (2022) to the recently aired “Racket Boys” (2021-present) to the classic film “Good Badminton” (1934), these productions offer viewers a unique insight into the world of badminton. They entertain, educate, and motivate, reminding audiences that success in sports often results from hard work, determination, and an unconditional love for the game. 

If you’re looking for a new way to indulge in your passion for the sport, why not check out some amazing movies and shows featuring badminton as a central theme? From heart-pumping sports dramas to heartwarming comedies, there’s something for everyone in the world of badminton cinema. 

So grab your popcorn, settle into your favorite armchair, and get ready to be swept away by the excitement and drama of these incredible films and series. Whether you’re a die-hard badminton fan or simply looking for something new to watch, you won’t want to miss out on these thrilling tales of triumph, defeat, and everything in between. 

Best Movies & Shows for all the Badminton Lovers 

Love All Play (Series, 2022) 

“Love All Play” is a sports romance drama about two passionate badminton players, a male and a female protagonist, who team up as a mixed doubles group with players from the badminton business team. The male protagonist, Park Tae-Yang, was once a promising badminton athlete but had to leave the sport due to an incident. Three years later, the female protagonist decides to join the Eunice badminton team, despite having left the sport after it once consumed her entire life. With her return to badminton, she seeks to reignite her passion for the sport and fulfill her dream of playing at the highest level once again. 

Love All Play” follows the journey of Park Tae Joon, who grew up surrounded by badminton due to his parents’ badminton equipment business. Despite initially seeing the sport as a job, his passion for badminton is rekindled when he develops a desire to impress a woman. However, after being cut from the city hall team, he signs up with the Eunice badminton team. There, he meets Park Tae-Yang, and their shared love and dedication to the sport help them form a powerful mixed doubles partnership. The movie depicts the challenges they face as they navigate their personal and professional lives while competing in the world of badminton.

Available on Disney+hotstar

Racket Boys (Series, 2021–present ) 

“Racket Boys” is a heartwarming story of a city boy who is uprooted from his urban life and brought to the countryside when his father is tasked with reviving a failing middle school badminton team. The show follows the journey of this ragtag group of boys as they strive to become better badminton players and people. Set in Haenam, the show offers a glimpse into the lives of these young athletes as they overcome obstacles and grow through the sport of badminton. Through their struggles and triumphs, the boys learn important life lessons about teamwork, friendship, and perseverance. “Racket Boys” is a touching and uplifting story that showcases the transformative power of sports in the lives of young people. 

Yoon Hyun Jong, a former badminton player who is struggling to make ends meet for his family, seizes the opportunity to coach a middle school team. However, upon arriving, he discovers that the team is on the brink of disbandment, with only three players: Bang Yoon Dam, Na Woo Chan, and Lee Yong Tae. Despite the challenges, the trio continues to push forward, determined to improve their game. With the addition of Yoon Hae Kang, Yoon Hyun Jong’s son, and Jung In Sol, they finally have enough players to participate in competitions. Together, the team strives to reach new heights and overcome the odds on and off the court. “Racket Boys” is a story of perseverance, friendship, and growth as these young athletes discover their true potential through the sport of badminton. 

In “Racket Boys,” Yoon Hyun Jong’s wife, Ra Young Ja, is the coach of the girls’ badminton team at a middle school in Haenam. As a former top badminton player herself, Young Ja brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team. Her players include Han Se Yoon, the #1 ranked junior female player in Korea, and Lee Han Sol, Se Yoon’s best friend. Together, they form a formidable team, consistently outshining their peers with their skills and teamwork. Through their journey, they learn valuable lessons about sportsmanship, hard work, and dedication while also developing strong bonds of friendship and camaraderie. 

Available on Netflix

Salaryman’s Club (Series, 2022) 

Salaryaman’s Club is a series that was released in 2022. The series follows Mikoto Shiratori, who is a prodigious badminton player with extraordinary foresight ability. Unfortunately, he lost a match for his company’s sports badminton team while working at Mitsuhoshi Banking, which ultimately led to his termination. Despite this setback, Mikoto was offered a new opportunity to play for Sunlight Beverage’s badminton team. 

However, Mikoto had made a vow to himself that he would never again play on a doubles team following a traumatic incident during his inter-high match in high school. Despite his reluctance, his co-worker Tatsuru Miyazumi encouraged him to overcome his past trauma and become his doubles partner. 

With his foresight ability and Tatsuru’s support, Mikoto must navigate the challenges of working in a doubles team and face the struggles that come with it. It won’t be an easy journey, but with his determination and Tatsuru’s guidance, Mikoto may be able to conquer his past and reach new heights in his badminton career. 

Available on Crunchyroll

Good Badminton (Movie, 1934)

This short offers a unique and engaging perspective on the historical background of the emerging sports fad, badminton. What sets it apart is its ability to seamlessly integrate humor into the narrative, making it appealing to audiences with or without a particular interest in the game. 

This engaging and amusing presentation offers valuable perspectives on badminton’s genesis, development, and cultural significance as a sport. It sheds light on the significant figures and occurrences that have molded the game and impacted its widespread appeal throughout history. 

Regardless of whether you’re a passionate badminton enthusiast or intrigued by the evolution of sports, this topic guarantees an enjoyable and informative read that will leave you with a fresh admiration for this cherished sport. 

Available on N/A

Full Strike (Movie, 2015) 

The plot of Full Strike tracks the progress of a young female athlete as she aspires to become a badminton champion, but with an unusual twist. She receives assistance from a band of rehabilitated criminals who have reformed their ways and are now utilizing their abilities to aid others. 

Despite encountering numerous hurdles and setbacks, the protagonist remains resolute in her pursuit of success, and her drive intensifies as she receives coaching and encouragement from her unanticipated role models. Under their tutelage, she not only hones her badminton skills but also develops an appreciation for the value of persistence, collaboration, and opportunities for redemption. 

Having transformed their lives after a stint on the wrong side of the law, the group of reformed criminals has discovered a fresh calling in guiding the young woman toward realizing her aspirations. By pooling their resources and expertise, they demonstrate that anyone can surmount their past and attain remarkable heights with the correct attitude and a supportive network. 

While the young woman advances through her training and competitions, she recognizes that her path toward becoming a champion involves far more than simply triumphing in matches. It’s a voyage of self-exploration, self-improvement, and the might of camaraderie and encouragement. Collectively, they acquire valuable insights that go beyond the confines of the badminton world and empower them to become better individuals.

Available on Amazon Prime Video 

China's Li Shifeng bags the men's singles title at All England Open Badminton Championship

China’s Li Shifeng bags the men’s singles title at All England Open Badminton Championship

China’s ace shuttler Li Shifeng has carved his name into history. The badminton player has won the men’s singles finals against Shi Yuqi at the All England Open Badminton Championships.

Li Shifeng won in two straight sets, 26-24 and 21-5, to win the gold medal in the all-Chinese final. Shifeng was elated with the win. In the post-match interview, he stated, “I am very excited. I don’t really have the words to express my feeling for the moment.”

He further added, “It is a huge payback for all the hard work I’ve put in. Although I’ve got the All England title, I would like to aim from more titles.”

In other news, South Korea’s An Se Young bagged the women’s title. An Se Young beat Chen Yu Fei of China 21-17 10-21 21-19 to bag another singles title. “I’m so tremendously happy,” said An, 21, who had knocked Tokyo Olympics silver medallist Tai Tzu Ying of Taiwan out in the semi-finals.

The All England event, with more than 155 matches and over 50 hours of badminton, contributes towards potential Olympics qualification, with rankings announced on April 30, deciding which players will go to the Paris Games in 2024.

All England Open Badminton Championships

The All England Open Badminton Championship to begin from today

One of badminton’s most prestigious tournaments, the All England Open Badminton Championships, is slated to begin today and conclude on March 19th. The tournament is happening in Birmingham, England.

The first BWF World Tour Super 1000 event of the 2023 season will see all the top stars in action, with full draws of 32 players and pairs in all five events. Many high-profile shuttles like Viktor Axelsen and Yamaguchi Akane are the top seeds for the event. Among the Indian players, shuttles like Kidambi Srikanth, HS Prannoy, Lakshya Sen, PV Sindhu, and Saina Nehwal will make their presence felt at the tournament.

Where to watch the All England Open Badminton Championships live in India?

The All England Open Badminton Championships will be live telecasted on BWF TV, the official YouTube channel of BWF. The tournament will also be telecasted on Sports18, Voot, and JioCinema.

What is Team India’s squad for the Badminton Championships?

Men’s singles- Main draw: Lakshya Sen, Kidambi Srikanth, HS Prannoy

Women’s singles- Main draw: Saina Nehwal, PV Sindhu

Men’s doubles- Main draw: Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty (6), MR Arjun/Dhruv Kapila

Women’s doubles- Main draw: Gayatri Gopichand/Treesa Jolly, Ashwini Bhat K/Shikha Gautam

Mixed doubles- Main draw: Ishaan Bhatnagar/Tanisha Crasto

Para-Shuttler Suhas Yathiraj wins bronze at Spanish Para Badminton International

Para-Shuttler Suhas Yathiraj wins bronze at Spanish Para Badminton International

Para-Shuttler and Noida District Magistrate Suhas L Yathiraj has made the nation proud. The badminton player won a bronze medal in men’s singles at the Spanish Para-Badminton International tournament.

After the win, Suhas Yathiraj was quoted as saying, “It’s a happy moment, and nothing is greater than to win a medal for our country in international events. I won bronze in Spain, could have been better. Will aim for gold in the upcoming tournaments. It is a very proud & happy moment when you win a medal for your country. Efforts are to give my best always. I will fulfill my responsibilities with at most sincerity, whether it is in administration or to represent India in sports.”

Suhas Yathiraj, who has won many laurels for the country, further added, “Looking forward to representing India at the Asian Games in China and winning the top honours there. The dream is to see the Indian flag being raised high.”

The Indian badminton team had a successful tournament. The team bagged 18 medals, including four gold medals at Spanish Level II Para-Badminton International 2023.

Asia Mixed Team Championships 2023: China beats Korea to win Gold

Asia Mixed Team Championships 2023: China beats Korea to clinch the gold medal

China has defended its title. The champions beat Korea 3-1 in the Asia Mixed Team Championships 2023 to clinch the gold medal. The badminton tournament being played in Dubai also saw India winning the bronze medal.

After a couple of narrow 3-2 wins over Malaysia and India in the quarter-finals and semi-finals, China made slightly easier work of South Korea in the final. Women’s doubles pairing Liu Shengshu and Tan Ning secured the decisive point as a Chinese line-up, missing most of their top players, came out on top.


After beating HS Prannoy, China’s Lei Lanxi beat Lee Yun-gyu comfortably to take the opening game in the singles game. Lee led 10-6 in the first game, but Lei – ranked 121 in the world – won the last six points from seven to take it 21-16.

The Chinese then secured four consecutive points in game two to hold an 11-7 advantage at the interval and stayed clear to seal a 21-16, 21-15 victory in the Asia Mixed Team Championships 2023 tournament.

In the women’s singles, Gao Fangjie took another big scalp to double China’s lead, defeating Kim Ga-eun 21-15, 21-15. The Chinese women’s doubles team won 21-11, 21-10, which saw poor defending from the Korean players early in the game.

Additionally, India, who lost 3-2 to China, and Thailand, who lost 3-1 to Korea, picked up the bronze medals.

The longest badminton rallies of all time

The longest badminton rallies of all time

Badminton is a challenging sport. It is a contest of talent, agility, and accuracy. The game continues until one player scores the required number of points or until a player quits or retires in the middle of the court due to injury or exhaustion and is unable to continue. It is a treat for the fans to see long challenging rallies in badminton. The audience is kept on the edge of their seats when the shutters can each other in a difficult rally. Let’s have a look at some of the most extended badminton rallies of all time. 

Here are the details about the 5 longest-running badminton rallies of all time are:

Mathias Boe vs Carsten Mogensen, 49 shots at the 2012 Thomas Cup Finals 

The longest badminton rally of all time is believed to have been between Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen at the 2012 Thomas Cup Finals, lasting for an incredible 49 shots. Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen’s 49-shot badminton rally at the 2012 Thomas Cup Finals is widely considered to be the longest badminton rally of all time. Both players showed incredible endurance and skill, with the rally lasting for over two minutes. The final shot was ultimately won by Carsten Mogensen with a powerful smash. 

The match between Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen took place on May 27th, 2012, at the Wuhan Sports Center in China. It was during the Thomas Cup Finals and was a crucial match in determining who would win the tournament. The rally began with Boe serving, and after 49 shots, Mogensen finally claimed victory. The rally was so impressive that it became legendary among badminton fans and as such, is still remembered to this day. 

Both the players were very much impressed with their top-level performance in the specific rally. 

Here is what they had to say about it: 

“It was a sublime exhibition of how badminton should be played. Every shot was a reflection of great sporting excellence.” – Carsten Mogensen

“It is one of those incredible rallies that people still talk about and will never forget.” – Mathias Boe.

Lee Yong Dae vs Zhang Nan, 46 shots at the All England Open 2014

The 46-shot rally between Lee Yong Dae and Zhang Nan at the 2014 All England Open is still considered to be one of the longest badminton rallies of all time. The match began with Zhang Nan serving, and he and Lee Yong Dae engaged in an intense back-and-forth, lasting for just over two minutes. Ultimately, Zhang Nan emerged victorious with a striking net shot. 

The match between Lee Yong Dae and Zhang Nan took place on March 8th, 2014 at the All England Open in London. It was a thrilling match that captivated the audience as the two players battled it out in an intense rally. In the end, Zhang Nan’s powerful net shot ended the rally, with Lee Yong Dae’s exhausted shots just barely missing their mark. Spectators and badminton fans around the world hailed the rally as one of the best they had seen. 

Here is what the players had to say about the exceptional rally: 

“That was probably one of the greatest rallies I have ever seen. It was a real display of skill and endurance.” – Zhang Nan 

“It was an incredibly intense and thrilling rally. I am honored to have been part of it.” – Lee Yong Dae 

Kento Momota vs Shi Yuqi, 44 shots at the 2016 Sudirman Cup 

The 44-shot rally between Kento Momota and Shi Yuqi at the 2016 Sudirman Cup is one of the longest in badminton history. The rally began with Kento Momota serving, and the two players exchanged a series of intense shots that lasted just over two minutes. In the end, it was Shi Yuqi who emerged victorious with a smashing drop shot. The match between Kento Momota and Shi Yuqi took place on May 21st, 2016, at the 2016 Sudirman Cup in Kunshan, China. It was an incredible match that had the crowd on their feet as the two players pushed each other to the limits. In the end, Shi Yuqi won the rally, proving his superiority over his Japanese opponent. 

Here is what the players had to say about the rally: 

“It was an incredible performance from both players. It showed us just how high the level of badminton can be.” – Kento Momota 

“The rally was an amazing spectacle to watch. Both players pushed each other to their limits and it was truly a privilege to witness it.”- Shi Yuqi 

Kidambi Srikanth vs Lee Dong Keun, 42 shots at the China Masters 2018 

The 42-shot rally between India’s Kidambi Srikanth and South Korea’s Lee Dong Keun at the 2018 China Masters falls under one of the longest badminton rallies of all time. The match started with Lee Dong Keun serving, and the interesting tussle between the two shutters lasted for just over two minutes. Eventually, Kidambi Srikanth emerged victorious with a formidable cross-court smash. The match between Kidambi Srikanth and Lee Dong Keun took place on October 14th, 2018 at the China Masters in Fuzhou. 

Here is what the players had to say about the rally:

“That was some of the most intense badminton I have seen. Both players gave it their all, and it was truly a pleasure to watch.” – Kidambi Srikanth 

“It was an incredible display of skill and endurance from both players. It was truly a spectacle that will go down in history.” – Lee Dong Keun 

Ratchanok Intanon vs Lindaweni Fanetri, 41 shots at the World Championships 2013 

At the 2013 World Championships, Ratchanok Intanon and Lindaweni Fanetri of Indonesia engaged in a 41-shot rally that is still regarded as one of the longest in badminton history. Ratchanok Intanon served to start the match, which was followed by a fast-paced intense battle that lasted just over two minutes. Ultimately, Lindaweni Fanetri won thanks to a strong net shot. 

At the World Championships in Guangzhou, China, on August 10, 2013, Ratchanok Intanon and Lindaweni Fanetri faced off. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the contest progressed because it was so exciting. In the end, Lindaweni Fanetri defeated the Thai player by winning the game with a strong net shot. Fans of badminton all around the world still talk about the rally because it was so intense. 

Here is what the players had to say about the rally: 

“That was an incredible match. Both players showed immense skill and endurance throughout and it was truly something to behold.” – Lindaweni Fanetri

“The match between Ratchanok Intanon and Lindaweni Fanetri is one that will go down in history. It was a thrilling display of badminton at its highest level.” – Ratchanok Intanon

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